January 28, 2003

AdventNet Enhances ManageEngine JMX Studio Capabilities to Manage Entire Application Ecosystems

New Features Enable Comprehensive Business-Level Management of Diverse Components of Application Ecosystems

Pleasanton, California, January 28, 2003

AdventNet, Inc., the leading provider of standards-based management software for applications and networks, today announced new features in ManageEngine JMX Studio for comprehensive, business-level management capabilities to significantly improve management of enterprise applications. These features include support for leading tools and platforms of enterprise application ecosystems, including: an out-of-the box adaptor for TIBCO AMI, an Apache Axis SOAP adaptor, manageability for Apache Tomcat servlet containers and enhanced security with a context-based authentication service for its adaptors and the built-in Rules Engine.

"As Java and J2EE applications are developed, integrated and deployed in enterprises, the manageability of these applications is a critical requirement. JMX (Java Management Extensions) is emerging as the primary industry standard to instrument applications for manageability, and AdventNet's ManageEngine JMX Studio's automation enables rapid and painless JMX-based instrumentation, resulting in productivity gains for enterprises," said Audrey Rasmussen, Vice President of Enterprise Management Associates.

Enhanced Features for Enterprise Application Management

The integration with TIBCO, the industry leader in enterprise application integration and business process management, provides TIBCO users with the ability to monitor and manage integrated applications and business processes through the open JMX standards allowing for ready interoperability with the rest of the ecosystem.

"ManageEngine JMX Studio goes beyond routine application performance management, by automating the exposure of business-level information to facilitate service level management, business intelligence, enterprise application integration management and business process management. The TIBCO AMI adaptor will greatly facilitate standards-based management of TIBCO environments," said Rasmussen.

With the addition of a SOAP adaptor using Apache Axis, JMX Studio provides enterprises with the ability to expose management information from applications using the widely accepted XML-based standard implementation of SOAP for Web services.

The Apache Tomcat servlet container provides Web developers with a simple, consistent mechanism for extending the functionality of a Web server and for accessing existing business systems. ManageEngine JMX Studio now facilitates its seamless manageability as part of the enterprise ecosystem.

These features build upon the existing functionality such as out-of-the-box support for: application servers such as WebLogic, WebSphere, Oracle 9iAS and JBoss; multi-management protocol support with adaptors for SNMP, HTML, RMI and CORBA; support for different data sources (EJBs, servlets, databases, log files, MIBs); a Rules Engine for dynamic specification of rules, and a powerful master-subagent architecture for clustered environment support and much more.

"Enterprises need better tools to improve management of mission-critical applications," said Dr. Tony Thomas, CTO of AdventNet. "Through constant interaction with enterprise customers, we continually enhance our products to deliver higher value to our customers. We are delighted to offer these ManageEngine enhancements as a testimony to our passion for serving customers with superior products."

ManageEngine JMX Studio employs the first and only independent JMX implementation to be certified by Sun Microsystems, and works with popular management consoles from CA, BMC, HP and IBM Tivoli. With AdventNet's 'try before you buy' policy, the ManageEngine JMX Studio is available for download at www.adventnet.com

About AdventNet

AdventNet's products enable customized management solutions for applications, networks and systems, and fill the gap between infrastructure performance and business performance. For enterprise IT applications, AdventNet makes and markets a modular software suite called ManageEngine, which comprises an automated instrumentation engine, a management console and a console builder, that facilitates JMX-based management of entire J2EE infrastructures. Unlike diagnostic or performance tuning tools, ManageEngine collects application performance statistics covering both systems (e.g. transactional throughput) and business attributes (e.g. customers served, revenue generated). AdventNet corporate office is located in Pleasanton, CA with offices in NJ, NH, India, China and Japan. It has a well-trained partner base around the globe and thousands of customers world-wide.
For more information call (925) 924-9500 or visit www.zohocorp.com.

Media Contact:

Alex D Paul Rabidass
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ManageEngine is a trademark of AdventNet, Inc. Java, J2EE, JMX and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. TIBCO AMI is a trademark or a registered trademark of TIBCO Software Inc. BEA WebLogic is a registered trademark of BEA Systems. WebSphere is a trademark of IBM. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.