MIB Browser

Loading and Unloading MIB's

To load the MIB files in the MibBrowser use the LOAD MIB image button or select the File--> Load MIB menu item. This brings up a dialog box, which prompts you for the URL of the MIB module file you wish to load.

You can load multiple modules and choose any one of them as the current module at any time. When any MIB module is selected, the root node for that module becomes the current OID.

The loading of MIB modules is via URLs. A few MIB modules are provided in the mibs directory, i.e. RFC1213-MIB, HOST-RESOURCE-MIB, SNMPv2-MIB and SNMPv2-SMI. It may be convenient to copy your MIB module files to be loaded into the "mibs" directory.

To unload the loaded MIB select the node of the MIB Tree then click on the UNLOAD MIB image button or select the File --> UnLoad MIB menu item. This will remove the MIB Tree of the MIB unloaded.


The ManageEngine MibBrowser can be used for MIB browsing, viewing and operate on data available through a SNMP agent. The MibBrowser allows configuration of various options needed for SNMP operations.

To set the various options click on the SETTINGS image button or select the Edit--> Settings menu item. This will bring up a dialog where the following options and its default values are set. The user can modify the default values as per requirements.

OptionsDefault valuesOther options
Snmp VersionV1V2c /V3
Time out5 secany user defined value
Max repetitions50any user defined value for V2c /V3 version
Retries0any user defined value
Non-repeaters0any user defined value for V2c /V3 version

To set the SNMP V3 parameters click on the V3 SETTINGS tab in the settings dialog box. This will switch to the the screen for setting V3 Parameters. The following values can be set:

OptionsDefault valuesOther options
Target hostlocal hostany host with SNMPV3 agent or proxy agent
Target port161any user defined port
User namenullany user defined value
Security LevelNoAuth,NoPrivAuth,NoPriv and Auth,Priv
Privacy ProtocolCBC-DES (if privacy is chosen in security level)CFB-AES-128
Authentication ProtocolMD5 (if authentication is chosen in security level)SHA
Authentication passwordany user defined value-
Privacy passwordany user defined value-

In the general settings tab there is an option provided to enable serialization of V3 details. If this is chosen, then the users added will be serialized in the files UserEntry.ser and EngineEntry.ser. The next time when the MibBrowser is started, v3 details will be deserialized if the serialize V3 Tables is set to true.

SNMP Operations

The MibBrowser allows the user to do the typical SNMP operations such as GET, GET NEXT and SET. It also allows to perform GET BULK for V2 and V3 version.

To do the GET operation, the user has to load the MIB file, select the desired node and press the "get" icon or choose the Operations ---> Get from the menu bar. To fully specify an object to an SNMP agent, both the Object ID (which defines the type of object) and the instance (the specific object of the given type) need to be provided. From the MIB you get the Object ID, to which an instance needs to be added to completely identify the object of interest. For non-tabular (or scalar) objects this is simply an instance of 0 (e.g. sysDescr.0)(this need not be specified). For tabular objects the instance is defined by the MIB, and is a sequence of one or more variables.

We also need to specify the hostname and community string of the SNMP agent you're talking to in the appropriate field.

If you want to talk to a V3 agent, then you have to choose the Version3 in the Settings dialog and also make sure that the v3 parameters are set in V3 Settings Dialog.


Automatic Device - SNMP Mapper

The ManageEngine Mibbrowser smartly loads the SNMP OID's for various device types while performing SNMP operations for SNMP enabled devices. Auto suggestion is available for SNMP devices for all major vendors. MibBrowser is pre bundled with more than 750 device templates which maps to SNMP OID of corresponding SNMP device types.

Following options are available in the DeviceType panel of the MibBrowser :

Select the oid from suggested oid's drop down list and carry out SNMP Operations for loaded device type.  Hence, no need to remember the SNMP OID's and to traverse mib tree to select the node.

Reload Device type:   
To load the modified templates/device type at run time, click "reload" button. This will parse the templates, populate the latest SNMP OIDS for that device.

Import templates :
Go to MibBrowser --->Settings ---> Template Settings
To import the customized templates, click "Import" Button . This will copy the templates to <ProductHome>/Templates

View templates :
Go to MibBrowser---> Settings ---> Template Settings
You can view all the available templates. Select the template from the List to view the available Oids and its description.

Multi-Varbind Request

Select the Multi-Varbind menu item from the View menu to view the Multi varbind panel. To do a multiple varbind request select the leaf node and append the instance and click on the Add button. It will add the OID given in the Object Identifier field and theValue given in the SetValue field both separated with a colon to the list. If value is not given in the SetValue field then NULL value is appended. You can add multiple number of OIDs and values like this. Make sure you have enabled the Multi-var check-box before doing a SNMP operation for multiple varbind SNMP request. Otherwise it will do a request for the OID in the Object Identifier field. To do multiple variable SNMP SET you ensure the OID and the Value are given in the textfields properly before adding to the list. Enable the Multi-Var check-box before doing the multiple variable SET.

To delete the varbind(s) from the list. Select the varbind(s) from the list and click on the Delete button to delete the varbind(s) from the list.

To Edit the varbinds added in the list select a varbind and click on the Edit button. It will show an OID and the Value of the varbind in the TextFields to edit the OID and the Value. Edit it and press OK button to modify the OID and Value or press the Cancel button to restore the old values.

  • To do a GET operation click on the GET image button or select Get menu item.This will get all objects under the selected MIB object, or the specific object if the MIB node and instance are specified.
  • To do a GETNEXT operation click on the GETNEXT image button or select GetNext menu item. This will get the next object after the specified object, or the specific object instance if a MIB node is specified.
  • To do a GETBULK operation click on the GETBULK image button or select GetBulk menu item. This will get a sequence of Next Objects immediately after the specified object. The number of Object instances returned is equal to the Max-Repetitions field.
  • To do a SET operation click on the SET image button or select Set menu item. This enables setting the value of the specified object, based on the value in the Set Value field. To do a SET for Octet String Type in hex format enter the bytes in hex format with each bytes separated by a colon and the entire string within single quotes. For example to give 0xff0a3212 enter 'ff:0a:32:12' in the SetValue field.