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Prioritize protecting C-level Executives, the prime target of Cybercriminals

By Megha
Published by December 05, 2022 Last updated January 05, 2022

Today, hackers are targeting the weakest links inside organizations to gain access to their networks. Top-level executives, who typically have privileged access to critical systems, often use their personal devices and public internet while traveling, and this is one reason they end up being easy entry points for cybercriminals. The growing success of social engineering attacks on high-level executives can be attributed to instances where IT security protocols are bypassed due to sharp deadlines, along with inadequate education on the risks of cybercrime.

However, executives are beginning to recognize that adhering to cybersecurity The implementation of processes, technologies and practices that strengthen the overall security of digital infrastructure from malicious attacks that mainly intended to steal, manipulate and exploit sensitive digital information for ulterior motives. policies needs to be addressed from the top down, with protective measures starting at the leadership level.

When it comes to cybersecurity, an organization should leave no stone unturned

According to Deloitte’s 2021 Future of Cyber Survey, 98% of US executives say their organization experienced at least one cyber incident in the past year. Yet, 14% of US executives say their organizations have no strategic and operational plans in place to defend against cyberthreats.

In the past, cybersecurity has been mostly associated with the IT department, far away from the business suite. While there has been a growing trend in implementing security awareness training for regular employees, it is high time that top-tier executives are also included in these initiatives.

How to protect the C-suite from threats

Since cybersecurity is not a standalone function, it must be integrated into every function rather than being affiliated only with the IT team. This will drive cybersecurity awareness into the boardroom, thereby fast-tracking necessary policies throughout the organization and securing all business operations.

  • To begin with, you can include training on recognizing social engineering attacks and phishing, share tips on reducing exposure, and distribute information on the latest scams to look out for. Make sure C-level executives are aware of the signs of a phishing attempt, like emails from a suspicious sender, a call to action that points to an external link or an attachment, or an unsolicited request for a payment or credentials.
  • Even though most organizations boast of investing in the necessary tools and training initiatives, are those tools used to their full potential? Having periodic audits can be helpful in ensuring that stringent policies are being followed and tools are consistently used as intended.
  • Adding multiple layers of security during sign-in via multi-factor authenticationThe process of verifying a user's credentials in order to confirm that their individual identity correlates with the digital identity. will ensure that even if a C-level executive’s password is compromised in a breach, every other application they sign in to will remain secure.
  • Securing a workplace network’s entry points has always posed a challenge for security professionals. The increasing adoption of cloud applications and the work-from-home model has made network security even more complex. It is critical to verify identities across locations, devices, and applications via secure authenticationThe process of verifying a user's credentials in order to confirm that their individual identity correlates with the digital identity. while maintaining the convenience needed by employees. Every individual or device that attempts to access a private network, whether it is located inside or outside of the organization's network, must be identified and authorized. Adopting a Zero Trust framework, starting with the C-level team, has never been more important.

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