Backup Configuration

This section allows administrators to configure domain controllers for bare metal recovery.

Prerequisite: Make sure that you have Microsoft .NET version 4 installed in the domain controller.

To check if Microsoft .NET Framework is installed, open Command Prompt from Run. Enter the following command wmic product where "Name like 'Microsoft .Net%'" get Name, Version. Check the displayed version. If the version is below 4,install Microsoft .NET Framework 4 from here.

To configure a domain controller for bare metal recovery for the first time,

  • Navigate to Active Directory → Bare Metal → Backup Configuration.
  • Select the domain for which you wish to configure bare metal recovery from the drop-down box at the top-left.
  • A list of all domain controllers in the particular domain is displayed. Select the domain controller(s) that you wish to configure for backup and recovery.
  • Click Configure For Backup.
  • In the pop-up that appears, select the frequency at which the Full Backup Scheduler must be run. The different frequencies available are Monthly, Weekly and Daily.
  • In the Incremental Backup Scheduler field, select the schedule at which the incremental backups should be taken to supplement the full backups. The different frequencies available are Monthly, Weekly and Daily.
  • Select the number of full backups to be retained by selecting the appropriate value in the Retain Last field and click Configure.
  • On clicking configure, the backup agent will be installed in the selected domain controllers.

After a domain controller has been configured for backup, you can perform any of the following operations:

Add new domain controllers for backup

  • Click Add a New Domain Controller button on the top-right corner of the tabular column.
  • In the pop-up that appears, select the domain controllers that you wish to add.
  • Click Next.
  • Select the frequency with which a full backup and the incremental backups of the domain controller has to be taken.
  • Select the number of full backups to be retained.
  • Click Configure to complete the process.

Modify backup storage location

  • Click Backup Storage button present at the top right corner of the page.
  • In the pop-up that appears, enter the new storage location in which you wish to store the backups.
  • Mark the check box against the Authentication field and enter the credentials of a user that can read/write the content in the specified storage location.
  • Click Save to finalize the change in storage location.

Modify backup schedules of configured domain controllers

  • Click the <edit> icon against the domain controller whose schedule you wish to modify.
  • In the pop-up that appears, select the new schedule in which you want the backups to be taken.
  • Click Save.
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