Understanding item-level retention

When configuring a backup scheduler, you must specify the maximum time for which a backup can be held in your repository. If you have set an item-level retention of ‘x’ months, it ensures that the backup held in your repository only holds information of all changes made in the preceding ‘x’ months.

Item-level retention is calculated based on the date and time the item was last modified.

When you configure a new backup scheduler, and you set an item-level retention of ‘x’ months, the process that happens is as follows:

For example, assume a backup scheduler is created on July 5 (Tuesday), 2022, to perform a backup every Sunday at 12:00am. The item-level retention is set to one year. The first time that the scheduler will run is on Sunday, July 10, 2022, at 12:00am. July 10, 2022, will be set as the starting point of the item-level retention. All Google Workspace items that have their last modified entry from July 10, 2021, to July 10, 2022, will be backed up as the age of the modified item will be less than the maximum item-level retention. Any item that has the last modified date earlier than July 10, 2021, will not be backed up.

This retention policy is then applied to the backed up data on the repository.

Considering the same example from the scenario above, the next installment of the backup will occur on July 17, 2022, at 12:00am. With July 17, 2022, set as the starting point of the item-level retention, RecoveryManager Plus will scan the backed up data to find all items whose last modified time are earlier than July 17, 2021. All items that fit the criteria are then removed from the repository.

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