When I start RecoveryManager Plus, none of my domains are discovered. It says "No Domain Configuration Available". Why?
RecoveryManager Plus, upon starting, automatically discovers the domains from the DNS Server associated with the machine running the product. If no domain details are available in the corresponding DNS Server, this message is displayed.
When I add my domains manually, the domain controllers are not resolved. Why?
This happens when the DNS associated with the machine running RecoveryManager Plus does not contain the necessary information. In such cases, you must add the domain controllers manually.
When I add the domain controller, I get the "The Servers are not operational" error. What does it mean?
This could mean that either the specified domain controller is invalid or it could not be contacted because of network issues. Try using the FQDN of the domain controller.
Installation Failed
This error message occurs when the installation of the bare metal recovery agent fails.
To resolve this issue, perform the steps listed below.
Could not contact Agent
This error occurs when the bare metal agent cannot be contacted when any backup sequence is triggered.
This error could be due to any of the following reasons:
BMR agent not installed
To resolve this issue, perform the steps listed below.
Location inaccessible
This error occurs when the repository is inaccessible from the RecoveryManager Plus server when a bare metal backup sequence is triggered.
Please check if the repository is accessible from RecoveryManager Plus server.
Location inaccessible from DC
This error occurs when the repository could not be contacted by the domain controller.
Please check if the repository is accessible from your domain controller.
Authentication error while running AD backup
PowerShell issue while backing up GPO
Cannot configure ESXi hosts in RecoveryManager Plus
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