Alarm Escalations

Automate alert escalation.

Notify another technician when your on-call staff fails to acknowledge or close an alert.


Define a notification sequence.

Create escalation policies to decide who receives an alert first, the escalation time-out duration (how long the first recipient has to respond before the alert is sent to the next recipient), and whom to notify next.

Never fail to act on critical alerts.

Escalate alerts and pass them on to contacts, schedules, or outbound apps like Slack, ServiceDesk Plus, or Trello so that available technicians can respond to critical alerts and resolve them before it's too late.

Notify the next on-call person.

Notify the on-call person in an active shift, the on-call person in the next shift, or both to make sure no alert is missed at the end of a shift.

Repeat notifications until alerts are acknowledged.

You can add up to five levels of escalation to ensure a critical event never goes unnoticed.

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