
The Reports tab contains all the reports from the ADManager Plus, ADAudit Plus, M365 Manager Plus, and Exchange Reporter Plus components, and gives you a bird’s-eye view of your Active Directory, Microsoft 365, and Exchange server environments without jumping back and forth between the individual components. You can also completely customize the Reports tab, by adding or removing reports from the default tabs, create custom tabs to group similar reports from different components, and much more.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you’ve integrated and enabled at least one of ADManager Plus, ADAudit Plus, Exchange Reporter Plus, or M365 Manager Plus. Click here to learn how to integrate these components with AD360.

  1. Log in to AD360 as an admin or a technician.

    1. Only users who log in as admins through AD360 authentication can view reports from the integrated components.
    2. Domain users who are assigned with technician role in ADManager Plus, ADAudit Plus, Exchange Reporter Plus and M365 Manager Plus can view reports from their respective components alone.
  3. Navigate to the Reports tab to view the reports.
  4. Click Export As to save the reports in CSV, PDF, XLS, or HTML format.

You can enable or disable certain reports from being displayed under the Reports tab. You can also create a new custom tab and add reports from different integrated components as per your requirement. For example, you can group together logon-related reports to see logon events across AD and Microsoft 365 from one spot.

To customize the reports or add new sub tabs, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Reports tab.
  2. Click the settings icon at the top-right corner and click Manage Reports.
  3. To disable the reports from any of the integrated components:
    • Uncheck the box next to the component name.
    • Click Save.
  4. To add a new custom tab:
    • Click the + icon at the far right corner.
    • Enter the Tab Name and click Add, and then Add.
  5. To add or remove reports to the custom tab:
    • Select the tab to which you want to add the new reports to.
    • Click Add Reports.
    • Select a product from which you want to add the report using the Select Component drop-down.
    • Make your choice from the Available Reports column.
    • Select a Category from the drop-down and then click Add.
    • Click Save.
    • You can also remove a report from a tab by unchecking the box against it and clicking Save.
  6. To rename a tab or category, hover the mouse over the tab or category name. You’ll see a text field appear. Click on the field and enter the new name.
  7. You can also reorder custom tabs by dragging them.

Note: The default component tabs cannot be renamed or reordered.

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