How to reset Application Control Plus password?


This will explain you about resetting the Application Control Plus password. If User roles are authenticated with Active Directory Domain authentication, then you can reset the password of a technician or an admin by changing the AD password, else follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Reset password for a Technician/admin using an admin user
  • Reset password for an Admin using a Tool


Reset password for a Technician/admin using an admin user

You can reset the password of a Technician by using a admin user role. The following steps will explain you about resetting the password for a technician:

  1. Login to Application Control Plus using an account with admin privilege
  2. Click Admin tab
  3. Under Global Settings select User Administration
  4. Under User, select the Technician/admin
  5. Under Action click on  change password button to reset the password.
  6. Click Change to save changes.

You have successfully changed the password of the technician/admin.

Reset password for an Admin using a Tool

You can reset the default admin password of Application Control Plus by following the steps mentioned below:

  1. Go to Services.msc and stop ManageEngine Application Control Plus
  2. Navigate to <Install_Dir>\UEMS_CentralServer\bin directory
  3. Open the resetPWD.xml
  4. Modify the user name from admin to the current user name located at {Like (AaaLogin.NAME='sample')}
  5. Go to the command prompt and navigate to <Install_Dir>\UEMS_CentralServer\bin directory
  6. If you are using a Application Control Plus build version below 100250
    Execute the command : ExecuteQuery.bat resetPWD.xml
    If you are using a Application Control Plus build version above 100250
    Execute the command: resetPassword.bat
    Once you execute this, three options will be displayed:
    1. Show all the users
    2. Reset password
    3. Execute
    Choose option 1. This will list all the users. Then, choose option 2. Enter the user name and set a new password. Choose option 3 to execute.
  7. Start the ManageEngine Application Control Plus Server service from Services.msc.

Now you can login to the Application Control Plus console using the modified password as admin