Cloud compliance simplified with Log360 Cloud

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Cloud compliance simplified with Log360 Cloud

What is cloud compliance?

Cloud compliance refers to the process of ensuring that cloud computing services and environments adhere to the regulations, standards, and policies designed to protect data security, privacy, and integrity. This involves aligning cloud infrastructure, platforms, applications, and data management practices with specific regulatory requirements that govern the collection, storage, processing, and transmission of data.

Why cloud compliance?

  • Protect sensitive and confidential information from breaches and unauthorized access.
  • Meet legal and regulatory requirements to avoid fines and penalties.
  • Reduce the risk of legal liabilities associated with data breaches, privacy violations, and non-compliance with industry standards.

Streamlining cloud compliance and security

In today's digital landscape, ensuring your cloud infrastructure meets regulatory standards is paramount. Log360 Cloud, ManageEngine's cloud-based SIEM solution, is at the forefront of cloud compliance management, providing an all-encompassing solution that not only secures your data but also ensures it complies with the latest cloud compliance standards and regulations such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, and more.

Here's how Log360 Cloud helps your organization with cloud compliance management

  • Comprehensive compliance coverage
  • Automated compliance reporting
  • Enhanced cloud security posture
  • Scalable compliance solutions

Comprehensive compliance coverage

Log360 Cloud serves as a pivotal security and cloud compliance tool, offering extensive support for various compliance standards, including cloud security compliance mandates. This ensures your cloud environment adheres to the necessary regulatory requirements which minimizes legal risks and penalties.


Automated compliance reporting

Log360 Cloud simplifies the daunting task of compliance reporting and provides audit-ready reports for PCI DSS, HIPAA, SOX, GDPR, UAE NESA, ISO 27001:2013, CCPA and CPRA, Cyber Essentials, COCO and more. Log360 Cloud ensures you're always audit-ready with automated reports and real-time alerts, making cloud compliance reporting a hassle-free process.


Enhanced cloud security posture

Log360 Cloud enhances your cloud security compliance posture by integrating cloud security and compliance. By providing visibility into your cloud infrastructure, it helps identify and remediate potential security threats and ensure a secure and compliant cloud environment.


Scalable compliance solutions

As your cloud infrastructure evolves, so do your compliance needs. Log360 Cloud offers scalable cloud compliance capabilities, ensuring that your growing cloud environment remains compliant with the evolving landscape of cloud compliance standards.

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