Data discovery software: An essential tool for improving business intelligence and data analytics

Data discovery software is an essential solution that is used to find the locations of all critical data and improve data visibility. Endpoint DLP Plus is an integrated DLP solution that leverages data discovery capabilities to diligently scan all endpoints in your network and accurately identify the various types of sensitive information present. This data is then consolidated in the form of dashboard infographics and detailed audits to provide actionable insights that can aid admins in creating precise data security and management protocols.

How is endpoint data discovery implemented?

Endpoint DLP Plus is a complete endpoint sensitive data discovery software and it has the following capabilities:

  1. Scan for information - All managed endpoints and their respective applications are examined for structured and unstructured data. Refer here for supported file extensions.
  2. Conduct a forensic evaluation - The data is contextually inspected to garner qualitative and quantitative analytic results from which admins can get in-depth data awareness.
  3. Assess user privilege - The users and systems associated with particular types of data are pinpointed, which is imperative to mitigate data loss and insider threats.
  4. Prepare data for further analysis - Once the location of data is obtained, the data is ready to be processed further. Data discovery is the preliminary step to data classification.

Enterprise Data discovery with Endpoint DLP Plus

With just a few clicks, Endpoint DLP Plus's centralized management approach enables you to achieve complete data visibility for the managed endpoints within your network. It is ideal for handling high volumes of various types of data. This senstive data discovery tool also provides endpoint summaries and metrics that can be visually navigated, so you can quickly absorb data models and recognize trends.

What is data discovery? | What is sensitive data discovery? | What is data discovery important? | Challenges for organizations | Benefits of Endpoint DLP Plus

What is data discovery?

Data discovery is a process in business intelligence that comprises scanning a network, detecting the various locations that contain data, integrating the data for analysis, and deriving insights that can be relayed to admins, executives, and other IT personnel so they can make informed decisions.

Why is data discovery important?

A sensitive data discovery tool is a vital asset to organizations, because data, when left unprotected, can be disclosed to unintended parties and can cause damage to company credibility. A recent Global Data Risk report reveals that approximately 53% of companies had over 1,000 sensitive files open to every employee. To prevent unauthorized actors from handling sensitive data and to ensure business continuity and privacy, all information that is processed by employees via their computers must be thoroughly analyzed for sensitive items using a data discovery software such as Endpoint DLP Plus.

What is sensitive data discovery?

Sensitive data discovery is the extension and application of data discovery principles to various kinds of sensitive information. Information sensitivity (interlink) is a set of strategies to control access to sensitive data that could compromise the security or value of a business if disclosed to others. By detecting and auditing this type of information—such as personally identifiable information, financial documentation, and health records—steadfast information sensitivity can be upheld.

The challenge of data discovery within organizations

Due to the dynamic nature of data, sensitive information can be dispersed amongst various locations. Within SMBs or especially large enterprises, manually inspecting all endpoints and cataloging stored data is virtually impossible. An effective solution is to implement software for automated data discovery.

Benefits of Endpoint DLP Plus' data discovery capabilities

New actionable insights for users

Once the whereabouts of important information is found by the sensitive data discovery software, the underlying relationships between the corresponding sources, systems, users, and other data can also be found. Historical and predictive evaluations can then be made based on these relationships.

All data is accounted for

By employing a data discovery software to perform continuous scans, data can be detected when it is newly made or transferred to a different location. Effective tracking leads to successful management.

Minimal administrative effort

Instead of having to focus on endpoints individually, a dedicated sensitive data discovery software increases operative ease as well as efficiency.

Download a 30-day free trial and and get started on analyzing and protecting your sensitive endpoint data!

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