Universal Directory management FAQs

1. Error during group creation: You cannot create a group since your account is not verified. Please complete the email verification process and try again.

2. Error during user creation: The creation of user <display_name> has been completed successfully. However, this user will be categorized as an unlicensed user due to insufficient licenses. Please upgrade your plan to get more licenses.

3. Error during user creation: User creation failed.

4. Error while performing a management action: Something went wrong. Please contact our support team to resolve the issue.

5. Error while performing a management action: Action is yet to be executed

6. Error while performing an update operation: Modifying Super Admin details is prohibited by technicians.

7. Error while performing an enable/disable operation: Super Admin is not allowed to perform this action on their user account.

8. Error while performing an enable/disable/delete operation: Admin is not allowed to perform this action on their user account.

9. Error when trying to update email address through update user: Super Admin's email cannot be updated.

10. I have verified my account on the accounts page. But my account status is still displayed as unverified on the All Users page. Why?

11. What happens to the other associated accounts when I perform management actions like enabling, disabling, or deleting by selecting users from the All Users tab?

12. What happens when I perform actions like enabling, disabling, or deleting a user by selecting a directory other than the Universal Directory on the All User Details page?

13. If the user creation operation is moved to the Jobs tab or if I navigate to another page, where should I look for the password for the newly created user?

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