Thwart persistence attacks and improve your security posture with Log360

Discover how Log360 can protect you from persistence attacks

  • Real-time event correlation

    Collect, analyze, and spot suspicious threats throughout your network logs based on indicators of compromise. Log360's out-of-the-box correlation rules, which are tied to the ATT&CK database, help in tracing attackers' movements, like repeated login attempts, unusual account activities, scheduled tasks, changes to registry keys, and data exfiltration patterns. Log360 detects security threats and provides a detailed timeline of incidents with the source, time of the event, device type, severity, and much more.

  • Advanced threat hunting

    Advanced threat analytical capabilities help you detect signs of compromise, including unexpected network traffic, unusual system activity, unauthorized user accounts, and malicious activities in your network. Log360 provides you with a complete view of what happened during an event and how it happened. Additionally, the solution has access to international threat feeds like STIX/TAXII and malicious, blacklisted IPs, URLs, and domains. If a malicious IP address tries to establish a remote communication with your network, Log360 quickly spots and stops it, safeguarding your network's sensitive data by comparing it to historical patterns of network activity.

  • UEBA

    Leverage ML-based UEBA techniques to analyze user behavior within your organization's network. Log360 maps disparate user accounts and related identifiers to build a comprehensive baseline of a user’s behavior. When a user conducts any activity that deviates from the baseline, the solution considers it an anomaly and assigns a risk score based on the severity. One of the key features of Log360 is behavior analytics, which helps you identify patterns that are indicative of malicious activity. Log360 identifies this anomalous user behavior based on time, count, and abnormal patterns, and helps spot insider threats, data exfiltration attempts, privilege escalation, and account compromise.

Persistence Attacks

Take preemptive action against persistence attacks with Log360

Take preemptive action against persistence attacks with Log360
  • Security analytics dashboard

    Log360's security analytics dashboard provides holistic visibility into 12 ATT&CK tactics and their corresponding techniques. The analytics-driven security approach keeps you well-informed about high security threats that need your immediate attention to conduct an in-depth investigation. Log360 simplifies the collection and analysis of log data from diverse network devices, endpoints, and security events, all within a single console. Through intuitive graphs and extensive reports, you can effortlessly identify suspicious activities such as account manipulation, BITSAdmin downloads, boot or auto start logon executions, event-triggered executions, suspicious server path modifications, hijacked execution flows, or potential ransomware.

  • Alert profiles

    The SOAR capabilities of Log360 send an instant alert to notify the security admin when the system identifies correlation matches or anomalies related to persistence attacks. For instance, Log360 sends an instant alert when a user suddenly starts accessing unusual files or making changes to system settings. These alerts provide actionable information, including details about suspicious activities, affected systems, and recommended response actions.You can also group different technique and tactic alerts into a single, logical incident for an organized investigation.

  • Automated incident response workflow

    Log360's intrusion detection system prevents adversaries from evading your security controls. If the solution detects any suspicious activity, it promptly takes actions such as blocking the attacker, isolating the affected system, and notifying the security admin. You can further streamline incident management with automated incident response workflows and assign tickets to security admins for faster incident resolution. You can also define a set of actions to be triggered based on the type of security incidents to proactively mitigate critical threats.

reasons to choose

Real-time monitoring

Monitor system logs, events, and network traffic to detect persistence attacks and other cyberattacks as soon as they occur.

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Rule-based attack detection

Detect rule-based attacks that adversaries often use to enter and control your network.

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Threat intelligence

Leverage Log360's threat intelligence capability to proactively detect and prevent security threats.

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Threat response

Send real-time alerts to the SOC team to expedite effective threat resolution.

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Integrated compliance management

Meet stringent compliance requirements with more than 150 ready-to-use audit reports.

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Frequently asked questions

1. What are the list of persistence techniques used in MITRE ATT&CK?

MITRE ATT&CK provides an extensive list of persistence techniques used by attackers. Some of these techniques include:

  • Account Manipulation
  • BITS Jobs
  • Boot or Login Autostart Execution
  • Boot or Login Initialization Scripts
  • Browser Extensions
  • Compromise Client Software Binary
  • Create Account
  • Create or Modify System Process
  • Event-Triggered Execution
  • External Remote Services
  • Hijack Execution Flow
  • Implant Internal Image
  • Modify Authentication Process
  • Office Application Startup
  • Pre-OS Boot
  • Scheduled Task/Job
  • Server Software Component
  • Traffic Signaling
  • Valid Accounts

2. What methods can be used to maintain persistence in a target host?

  • Backdoors: Attackers use phishing attacks or other social engineering tactics to install backdoors which provide them remote access to the system, even after the initial breach has been remediated.
  • Rootkits: Attackers use rootkits, a malicious software program, to hide their presence in a host to maintain persistence.
  • Scheduled tasks: Cyberattackers create scheduled tasks that run automatically at specific times or intervals to execute malware or to maintain access to the system.
  • Registry keys: Cybercriminals may add or modify Windows registry keys to automatically execute malware when the system boots.
  • Malicious services: Threat actors can develop a malicious service that runs in the background and provides them ongoing access to the hacked system.
  • Fileless malware: Adversaries use this type of malware to stay persistent in a target machine. Because fileless malware runs fully in memory and does not create files on the hard drive, it's difficult to detect and remove.

3. What are the best practices to mitigate persistence attacks?

Some best practices to mitigate persistence attacks include:

  • Keeping your software up-to-date
  • Monitoring system logs
  • Limiting user privileges
  • Using strong passwords and two-factor authentication
  • Implementing intrusion detection and prevention systems
  • Conducting regular security audits