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Reports on Exchange Online, Azure AD, OneDrive for Business, Microsoft Teams, Yammer, and more.
Download Free TrialCreate, schedule, and export reports on major Microsoft 365 services. / More than 500
preconfigured reports on major Microsoft 365 services under a single window.
Get a quick snapshot of the reports with graphs.
Generate reports for custom intervals.
Generate reports for custom intervals.
Schedule reports to be generated at specified intervals, and have them delivered to your inbox.
Identify user based on domains and virtual tenants.
Export reports to PDF, CSV, XLSX or HTML formats.
Generate reports for custom intervals.
Schedule reports to be generated at specified intervals, and have them delivered to your inbox.
Generate reports for custom intervals.
Export reports to PDF, CSV, XLSX or HTML formats.
Graphical representation of the report gives you a quick snapshot of the active Yammer groups.
Generate reports for custom intervals.