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ADManager Plus Mobile Apps
Manage Active Directory on-the-go!

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ADManager Plus Android app

ADManager Plus Android app turns AD user and computer management cool and slick

Operational Flow

ADManager Plus Android app makes 'on the move' management of your Active Directory users and computers a reality. Armed with this app, you can now have a complete control over all your users and computers by being able to access and perform vital management actions right from your mobile device, always.

This app gives you the ultimate liberty to be anywhere on the globe and yet be on top of all your Active Directory user and computer accounts 24*7 using just your mobile device.

Server Details

  • Server:
  • Port: 443
  • Username: adminuser
  • Password: 123@admP

App Features

AD Management
AD Reports

Reset user passwords

Forgotten passwords will no longer hamper user productivity. Fulfil all reset password requests instantaneously from anywhere, any time with this mobile app. No more frustrating waits for your users to reset their passwords. Learn More

Enable accounts

Infuse life into the disabled user and computer accounts in your Active Directory as soon as you get an enable request, even when you are travelling. Using this mobile app strike off all enable requests the very next moment they are created. Learn More

Disable accounts

Scuttle any malicious looking user or computer account the very moment you come across one. Disable user and computer accounts and in turn the potential threats to your organization even when you are on the move. Learn More

Unlock accounts

Locked out user accounts require immediate attention as they hamper users' productive time unnecessarily. With these mobile apps, you can unlock multiple locked out user accounts no matter where you are. Learn More

Delete accounts

Delete inactive or potentially harmful user and computer accounts from your Active Directory with timely and instant actions, immaterial of what time it is, which part of the globe you are in, using just your mobile devices. Learn More

Reset computers

Reset your computer objects any time, from any place, using ADManager Plus iOS or Android app. In just a few taps on your mobile screen, you can easily reset your computers. Learn More

Create user accounts

Use the iOS app to provision users in AD, Office 365, Exchange, Google Apps, and Skype for Business at once! Use templates to standardize user provisioning throughout a department. Learn More

Learn How


  • iPhone based AD user and computer management.
  • 24*7 access and control over AD user and computer accounts.
  • Continuous availability of administrators and technicians.
  • Instant and quick actions to prevent any loss in user productivity.
  • Anytime, any place AD user and computer management.

Customer Testimonials

  • A very nice looking and capable app for user management in Active Director Read More »
  • "This is a great feature. We will definitely benefit from being able to unlock AD accounts from mobile devices saving time from having to be at a workstation."
    Matt Newton, Hendrick Health System.
  • "I find the i-phone app very useful for an administrator on the go."
    Nisar Khan, Sr. Network Administrator/Engineer, CZS/Brookfield Zoo
  • "Wow, this app is very easy to use! It saves me a lot of time when I am away from the office and need to manage a user account! Looking forward to the extra feature of being able to create user accounts, very good job!"
    Lance Hammond, Crest Operations LLC
  • "Very easy to use and works like a charm!"
    Cody Howard, Windows System Administrator I, C Spire Fiber
  • "I downloaded and installed the iOS App for ADManager Plus. It is a great App to quickly view the status of a user and to immediately either enable, disable or change the password for the user especially if I'm elsewhere on campus and an issue comes up."
    Br. Jeffrey Allen, SJ Technology Project Coordinator, Loyola High School
  • "The ADManager Plus mobile application is a great added feature to an already great product. It allows me to manage users from anywhere, at anytime. This saves a lot of time and I don't need to take my laptop with me everywhere."
    Daniel Cloete, Team Leader, Information Security Services, UCS Solutions
  • "It's a great application to manage our Active Directory from the mobile and also I would like to give my appreciation to the application itself as its help me a lot in creating bulk users in all our new sites and cleaning our AD from old computers and users and a lot of features help all the system administrators. Good luck ADManager Team"
    Arqam S. Batarfi, Corporate IT infrastructure Manager, Magrabi Hospitals & Centers
  • "This is a great addition to ADManager Plus. It will allow us to manage our users anytime, anyplace, and anywhere. From Security prospective this will simplify the termination process as terminations need to be addressed immediately, with no delay. Excellent addition to an excellent product!!!"
    Margaret Sandler, Information Security, CareTech Solutions
  • "The Mobile App for ADManager lets me walk throughout the environment and talk to my users, if they are locked out I use my phone and do not have to carry a laptop around. It has made my job easier."
    Joe Boros, Help Desk Specialist, Roper St. Francis
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The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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