What are the pre-requisites for each credential?

SNMPv1 / v2:

  • SNMP read credential is required
  • Ports: The default port used for SNMP is 161. Make sure that this port is not blocked by your firewall
  • SNMP timeout: the suggested value for SNMP timeout is 5 seconds, It can be increased if required


  • Make sure the SNMPv3 authentication details received from your vendor have been configured properly in the device.
  • Make sure the context name given in OpManager is mapped properly to the credential.
  • EngineID should be unique for all the SNMPv3 devices in an environment.
  • Make sure the engine boot time and engine boot count are updated properly in the SNMP agent.
  • OpManager does not support AES-192 encryption protocol.
  • Ports: The default port used for SNMPv3 is 161. Make sure that this port is not blocked by your firewall.


  • Required credentials: Domain/User name, password
  • Make sure the Windows Management Instrumentation service & RPC service is running in the remote device for WMI monitoring 


  • For Telnet ensure you configure the correct login prompt, command prompt, and password prompt besides the user name, password, port number and timeout (in seconds) to access the device.
  • The default port used for Telnet is 23. Ensure that the port is not blocked by your firewall
  • For SSH,ensure you configure the user name and choose the SSH Key using the Browse button, and correct command prompt besides the port number and timeout (in seconds) to access the device.
  • The default port used for SSH is 22. Ensure that the port is not blocked by your firewall


  • Make sure the UCS Manager Username and Password having remote authentication is configured.
  • Enter the Port, Protocol and Timeout interval for the connection between the UCS and OpManager Server


  • The VMWare credential uses the default HTTPS port 443 for establishing connection between the Host and OpManager server. Ensure that this port is not blocked by your firewall
  • Provide the HTTPS Username and Password of the VMWare which should authenticate the MOB connection.
  • Auto VM discovery feature is used to automatically update any changes in the vCenter environment ( such as addition of new VMs to a vCenter ) to OpManager.
  • For monitoring VMware related devices, it is enough if a credential has 'Read only' privilege.
  • Certain functions like VM On & VM Off require admin privilege. Hence ensure that the credentials supplied has admin privileges.


  • The default HTTPS port used for Nutanix is 9440, and the default timeout is 20 seconds. If necessary, please change these values according to your requirement.
  • Provide the username and password of the Prism element of the cluster under which the hosts and VMs to be discovered are present


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