How can I configure thresholds for VMware Datastore monitors?

To configure thresholds for multiple VMware Datastore monitors:

  1. Go to Settings → Configuration → Quick Configuration Wizard → Threshold Settings.
  2. Under Performance Monitors, select VMware Datastore from the drop-down.
  3. Click Next, and select preferred Datastore monitors.
  4. Configure thresholds and select available Datastores as per requirement.

Alternatively, to configure the thresholds for a particular datastore:

  1. Click on Virtualization → VMware from the top bar, and click on 'Datastores' from the filters on the left.
  2. Click on the Datastore name that you want to configure monitors for.
  3. Click on the 'Monitors' tab. Choose from available Datastore monitors and click on the Edit icon under actions.
  4. Configure threshold values as required and click 'Save'.

Configuring notification profiles for Datastore monitors:

  1. Once you've configured the thresholds for the datastore monitors, go to Settings → Notification → Add profile.
  2. Choose the mode of notification, and provide all related details for that mode.
  3. In the Choose the criteria page, select Threshold rule is violated.
  4. Under the 'Filter Devices' field, select VMware-Datastores, and select the datastores for which you need to get notified when the thresholds are violated.
  5. Finally, provide the Delayed trigger/Recurring trigger details if needed, and save the profile to start getting notifications about your VMware datastores.
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