WMI credential check for Windows devices

  • From OpManager server, click on "Start->Run--->wbemtest" and click on ok. This will launch WMI tester.
  • Click on "Connect" and in the top box type in \\‹Device Name›\root\cimv2
  • In the Credentials type in User name and password used in OpManager and choose "Connect"
  • If all the query buttons in WMI tester are getting activated means there is no trouble with the connection and WMI. If not check the user name and password or firewall or the services

To check from OpManager, follow the steps given below:

  • Go to Settings -> Credentials -> test credentials
  • Choose the Device type and the devices for which the test credential schedule needs to be run.
  • If you would like to run the test credential schedule right now, choose 'Execute now' option.
  • Else if you would like to schedule the test credential, choose schedule option and select the time duration in which the test credential should be run.
  • In the next screen, if you wish to receive the test credential report as an email, enter the email address, subject and message.


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