Critical Patches

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Critical Patches
With new security vulnerabilities being discovered every day, it's hard for security professionals to keep a track on all the latest critical vulnerabilities. Here's the updated library of all critical vulnerabilities discovered lately, and patches that require special handling. Each vulnerability will be linked with Endpoint Central's forum notification and a Endpoint Central's own workaround document.

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Updated on 16 Oct 2019
Severity: High
Linux Sudo security feature by-pass vulnerability
A potentially catastrophic vulnerability in sudo has been found that affects all Linux endpoints. This vulnerability (CVE-2019-14287), when exploited, enables users with hostile intentions to surpass security restrictions and run commands as the root user.
Updated on 04 Jan 2018
Severity: High
Meltdown and Spectre Speculative feature by-pass vulnerability
Meltdown and Spectre are processor chip vulnerabilities that targeted speculative execution part of a computer processor. It is estimated to have infected more than a billion computers around the world.
Updated on 04 Jan 2018
Severity: High
BlueKeep 'wormable' vulnerability in Windows RDP protocol targetinng legacy OSs (CVE-2019-0708)
BlueKeep wormable vulnerability (CVE-2019-0708) is an RCE vulnerability that can be exploited remotely by sending specially crafted requests over Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to a targeted system. This vulnerability is present in Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, and in older versions like Windows XP and Windows 2003 as well
Updated on 04 Jan 2018
Severity: High
ZombieLoad side-channel vulnerability
ZombieLoad is one of the four processor chip vulnerabilities that were recently discovered by a group of security researchers from Graz University of Technology. Much like Meltdown and Spectre, ZombieLoad can manipulate a vulnerability in speculative execution—a feature used in CPUs to help the processor "predict" what information an app or program will need in order to speed up its performance.
Updated on 04 Jan 2018
Severity: High
Machines that have Sophos Endpoint Security installed fail to boot up after installing Windows updates
Computers that have Sophos Endpoint Security to boot after installing the following Windows updates: KB4493467, KB4493446, KB4493448, KB4493472, KB4493450, KB4493451

Disclaimer:This webpage is intended to provide you information about patch announcement for certain specific software products. The information is provided "As Is" without warranty of any kind. The links provided point to pages on the vendors websites. You can get more information by clicking the links to visit the relevant pages on the vendors website.

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