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ADAudit Plus is First Response Finance Limited's Best Choice for Auditing and Tracking their File / Folder Movements with Iinformation on Who Did What, When and from Where.

ADAudit Plus helps us to audit and keep track of file/folder movements and who accessed them. It seemed the easiest to install and use.
Neil Raspison - IT Service Analyst , First Response Finance Limited


First Response Finance Limited





Business Needs

At First Response Finance we can take care of your used car finance if you have been refused car finance recently, had past credit problems including CCJ's (County Court Judgment), past mortgage arrears or you are an ex-bankrupt looking to get back on the correct financial path. The Company needed to keep a track of their file/folder access and movements.


With ADAudit Plus, First Response Finance, subprime car finance company was able to monitor and keep track of their file / folder access and movements and answer the ‘who did what from where and when’. The Company credits ADAudit Plus with a quick install, ease of use and good for Windows AD and File Server auditing.

The ManageEngine ADAudit Plus Advantage


Permissions Monitoring


Archive Data

Track Windows AD & Servers, system, configuration and file modifications by Admin, Users, Helpdesk, HR etc. Archive AD event data for Security and Forensics.

Dashboard View


32 bit | 64 bit

Single view of all critical audit data for configured domains. Support for both 32 bit and 64 bit Windows platforms.

Reports & Alerts


Export Reports & Meet Compliance

View 150+ pre-configured reports and set email alerting for changes to monitored folders / files. Meet PCI, SOX, GLBA, FISMA, HIPAA... Compliance with audit reports in XLS, CSV, PDF and HTML formats.

IT Auditors


Important Features

Logins for IT Auditors with reports view only. Here, only the important features are listed, for the many, many more features experience an Online Demo of ADAudit Plus.

About ADAudit Plus


About ManageEngine

ADAudit Plus is a web based Windows Active Directory & Servers Change Reporting Software that audits - tracks - reports on Windows [Active Directory, Workstations Logon / Logoff, File Servers & Servers] to help meet the most-needed security, audit and compliance demands. Track authorized / unauthorized access of users, GPO, Groups, Computer, OU changes with 150+ detailed event specific reports and instant emails alerts and also, export the results to xls, html, pdf and csv formats to assist in interpretation and computer forensics!


ManageEngine provides a suite of powerful Enterprise Management products, including network utilization, performance, security, helpdesk management, email archive management and real-time QoS management among others, aimed at making your business more effective and efficient. With a wide array of products that can be easily integrated, enterprise wide optimization is easily possible. Complementary products provide users with the ability to choose and incorporate features that they need a la' carte!

ADAudit Plus Trusted By

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