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Bulk Active Directory Accounts Re-provisioning

ADManager Plus' all-in-one Active Directory Accounts modification feature enables you to update multiple attributes of multiple Active Directory accounts in a single action. Instead of modifying each attribute of every account one after the other, this feature allows you to perform:

Using this web-based Active Directory Management software, you can modify all the required attributes of your accounts using the 'CSV-based modification' or modify only a specific set of attributes using the 'Attribute-specific modification'. With this tool you can even automate the modification and management of Active Directory accounts.

Active Directory Bulk User Re-provisioning

Unlike the convention options like the native AD tools, PowerShell, etc. ADManager Plus' one-stop Active Directory bulk user modification feature gives you the following options to modify multiple user accounts, in just a single operation:

CSV-based Bulk User Modification

This option allows you to perform bulk user modification in just a single click using a CSV file as the input. List all the user accounts along with the new values for all the attributes that have to be updated in a CSV file. Import this file into the tool to modify all the accounts listed in the CSV file at one go.

Attributes-specific Bulk User modification

This option helps in simpler and faster modification of user accounts by allowing you to modify a specific set of attributes. You can use this option to:

  • Modify specific user attributes like Profile attributes, Group attributes, Contact attributes, Custom attributes, Home Folders, etc.
  • Modify Exchange Server Mailbox specific settings like Delivery Options, Delivery Restrictions, Mailbox Storage Limits, etc.
  • Update a specific group of user attributes to perform Active Directory User management tasks like Reset Passwords, Unlock user accounts, Move Users, Update User Workstations, etc.
  • Modify those user attributes that are necessary to perform Exchange Mailbox Management tasks (Create User Mailbox, Set Mailbox Rights, Migrate User Mailboxes, Disable/Delete Mailbox, etc.).

Click here to know in detail the various ways in which you can modify user accounts.

Active Directory Bulk Group Re-provisioning

This feature helps in modifying and managing Active Directory Groups in bulk with simple, mouse-clicks based actions. Moreover, based on the need, bulk group modification can be done in two ways:

CSV-based Bulk Group Modification

Instead of getting into every group and modifying its attributes one after the other, just prepare a CSV file with group names in one column and the attributes that have to be modified in separate columns. Import this CSV file into the Bulk Group Modification form and modify all the groups listed in the CSV in one single shot.

Attributes-specific Bulk Group Modification

This feature helps in modifying Active Directory groups by updating only a specific set of attributes or modifying only those attributes required to perform Group management tasks. Using this option, you can:

  • Modifying Organization attributes like Email Address, Member Of and Managed By attributes.
  • Exchange Server specific settings like Receiving Message Size, list of users or groups to Accept Messages from, etc.
  • Move Groups in bulk from one OU or location to another, in a single step action.

Active Directory Bulk Contact Re-provisioning

ADManager Plus turns bulk modification of Active Directory Contacts into a quick, single step activity. This web-based Active Directory management software allows you to modify contacts in two different ways:

CSV-based Bulk Contact Modification

In this option, you will just have to mention the list of all contact objects that have to be modified along with the new values for those attributes to be modified in a CSV file and import the file into ADManager Plus to modify all the required contact objects.

Attributes-specific Bulk Contact Modification

This feature helps in modifying, at one go, a specific set of attributes for multiple Active Directory contacts like:

  • Address, Organization attributes like Company, Title, Department, Manager and City.
  • Contact Attributes like Telephone Number, Mobile, Email Format, Office, etc.
  • The format for Display Name and Full Name.

Active Directory Bulk Computer Re-provisioning

ADManager Plus allows modification of all the necessary attributes of multiple Active Directory computer accounts through its bulk computer modification features like:

Attributes-specific Bulk Computer Modification

Using this option you can modify any specific set of computer attributes like:

  • General Attributes of computer accounts like Location, Managed By and Description.
  • Group Attributes to edit its group membership by adding to groups, removing from groups and also set its Primary Group.

Tasks-based Bulk Computer Modification

You can also modify those attributes that are related to computer managment tasks like:

  • Move Computers (For moving computers from one location or OU to another, in bulk).
  • Enable or Disable Computers, in bulk, in just one single action.

With a comprehensive list of features to modify the various types Active Directory accounts in bulk, ADManager Plus turns re-provisioning of Active Directory accounts into a simple, easy activity.

Modify Active Directory users? properties for multiple users using CSV files.

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Other features

Bulk User Management

Fire a shotgun-shell of AD User Management Tasks in a Single Shot. Also use csv files to manage users. Effect bulk changes in the Active Directory, including configuring Exchange attributes.

Terminal Services management

Configure Active Directory Terminal Services attributes from a much simpler interface than AD native tools. Exercise complete control over technicians accessing other domain users' computers.

Active Directory Computer Reports

Granular reporting on your AD Computer objects to the minutest detail. Monitor...and modify computer attributes right within the report. Reports on Inactive Computers and operating systems.

Active Directory Workflow

A mini Active Directory ticket-management and compliance toolkit right within ADManager Plus! Define a rigid yet flexible constitution for every task in your AD. Tighten the reins of your AD Security.

Active Directory Cleanup

Get rid of the inactive, obsolete and unwanted objects in your Active Directory to make it more secure and efficient...assisted by ADManager Plus's AD Cleanup capabilities.

Active Directory Automation

A complete automation of AD critical tasks such as user provisioning, inactive-user clean up etc. Also lets you sequence and execute follow-up tasks and blends with workflow to offer a brilliant controlled-automation.

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The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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