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Bulk User
  • ManageEngine User Academy

Active Directory Bulk User Provisioning & De-provisioning

ADManager Plus' bulk Active Directory user creation feature enables you to create multiple new user accounts at one go. Moreover, even as you create new users you can also configure all the attributes including Exchange Server Mailbox and Terminal Service attributes. The added advantage: unlike the native AD tools, PowerShell, etc. this bulk user provisioning feature is totally script-free. This tool allows you to create users through its features like:

CSV-based Bulk User Creation

The 'CSV import' option coupled with 'user creation templates', drastically reduces the effort and time involved in creating user accounts. To create users in mass using a CSV file, all that you have to do is:

CSV-based Bulk User Accounts Creation

  • Create a CSV file with the list of all the users to be created.
  • You can specify the values for only the mandatory attributes or all the required attributes including Exchange Server attributes (Exchange 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013), Lync/LCS/OCS, Terminal Service attributes, etc. in the CSV file.
  • Just import this CSV file into ADManager Plus using its 'CSV Import' option and all the required user accounts will be created in the desired location in your Active Directory, at one go.

ADManager Plus makes creating Bulk user accounts in your Active Directory just so simple. Moreover, this software also helps in automating critical Active Directory management tasks.

Template-based Bulk User Provisioning

User Creation Templates make it possible to configure all the required attributes of user accounts in a single step. These templates also allow you to save the standard or common values of attributes that are common for multiple user accounts and reuse them whenever you create a new user account. This reduces the time and effort involved in creating new users by saving you the trouble and pain of configuring the required attributes repeatedly, for every new user. Get the free download of this tool's trial version to explore the user creation templates in detail.

Bulk Office 365 user account creation

ADManager Plus offers the capability to create Active Directory and Office 365 accounts for users, in bulk, from the same console. Using this tool, it is possible to create Office 365 accounts for users right while creating their Active Directory accounts, in one action. It also allows you to create Office 365 accounts for existing AD users.

ADManager Plus' Office 365 user provisioning is a comprehensive, one-stop process. That is, in a single step, you can also assign appropriate Office 365 licenses, configure group membership and Exchange Online email aliases, choose to create the accounts with or without DirSync, and more.

Google Workspace user account creation

Using ADManager Plus, it is also possible to create Google Workspace accounts for users, right while creating their Active Directory accounts. This AD management tool also doubles up as a Google Workspace user provisioning tool, as it offers the capability to create users' AD and Google Workspace accounts, from the same console, in single or in bulk, in just one swift action.

Advantages and Highlights of User Creation Templates:

  • These templates help in creating user accounts with all the required settings including Exchange (2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013) Mailbox, Lync and Terminal Services settings.
  • Helps you to create customized naming formats, custom attributes, etc. as required.
  • You can create as many templates as needed, corresponding to the number of roles or the types of user accounts in your organization.
  • These templates can be customized specifically to your needs.
  • Administrators can offload the burden of performing simple, repetitive tasks like creating new user accounts to their helpdesk technicians without actually altering their actual permissions in Active Directory.
  • Empowers even technically naive users like HR executives to perform administrative tasks like creating new user accounts effortlessly.
  • Simplifies the Identity and Access Management process. When you apply these templates, the new user accounts are automatically granted the required set of privileges and rights specific to their roles in the organization.

In combination with 'CSV-Import' feature, user creation templates turn the task of creating user accounts in bulk into an effortless and simple one. This tool also helps you to automate the AD user accounts creation process.

Moreover, if you have to create the new user accounts in a new location or OU, this tool gives you the convenience of creating a new OU right from the same UI from which you create new user accounts.

Active Directory Bulk User De-Provisioning

Through its 'Delete Users' option, this web-based Active Directory tool allows you to delete in bulk the inactive, disabled or expired user accounts. This in turn makes Active Directory Cleanup a simple, hassle-free process. To delete user accounts, just:

  • Select the domain in which the user accounts to be deleted are located.
  • Locate the required user accounts using the built-in search option or provide the list of users to be deleted through a CSV file.
  • Delete the specified user accounts with just a click of your mouse.

You can also identify the inactive, expired and disabled user accounts through ADManagager Plus' pre-built Active Directory User reports and delete them right from the reports.

Restore Deleted Active Directory Users

This tool also makes it possible to restore the deleted user accounts in the Active Directory. The highlight though, is its capability to restore the deleted users accounts in bulk.

Based on the version of Active Directory that you are using, the deleted user accounts can be restored either:

  • Completely, with all their attributes intact (only for Windows Server 2008 R2), or
  • Partially, with only their mandatory attributes.

You no longer have to sweat over accidental deletion of Active Directory users.

Featured links

Provision multiple AD users with ADManager Plus' CSV bulk management.

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Other features

Active Directory Password Management

Reset password and set password propertied from a single web-based console, without compromising on the security of your AD! Delegate your password-reset powers to the helpdesk technicians too!

Terminal Services management

Configure Active Directory Terminal Services attributes from a much simpler interface than AD native tools. Exercise complete control over technicians accessing other domain users' computers.

Active Directory Group Management

Manage your Active Directory Security Groups. Create, Delete and Modify Groups...all in a few clicks. Configure Exchange attributes of AD Groups and effect bulk group changes to your AD security groups.

Active Directory Logon Reports

Monitor logon activities of Active Directory users on your AD environment. Filter out Inactive Users. Reporting on hourly level. Generate reports for true last logon time & recently logged on users.

Active Directory Cleanup

Get rid of the inactive, obsolete and unwanted objects in your Active Directory to make it more secure and efficient...assisted by ADManager Plus's AD Cleanup capabilities.

Active Directory Automation

A complete automation of AD critical tasks such as user provisioning, inactive-user clean up etc. Also lets you sequence and execute follow-up tasks and blends with workflow to offer a brilliant controlled-automation.

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