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Knowledge Base

Why does Java.exe use a high amount of RAM on servers?

Possible causes:

The high RAM utilization by the Java.exe used in ADManager Plus could be due to various factors.

  • Multiple parallel scheduled reports, automations, exports, or synchronizations may be occurring simultaneously.
  • More number of attributes might be selected in reports.
  • The operational DC or the nearest DC might not be configured as the primary DC.
  • The environment might have a large number of objects and configurations, such as schedules, automations, and exports, which can use a significant amount of memory.


  1. Avoid running reports or automation schedules simultaneously and ensure sufficient time intervals between them.
  2. Make sure the nearest DC is configured as Primary DC or Enable DC Sort Intelligence in Domain/Tenant Settings.

    To enable DC sort intelligence,

    • Navigate to Domain/Tenant Settings > Domain Configuration.
    • Click Edit Domain Details.
    • Check DC Sort Intelligence.
  3. Check for any possible scenarios or reasons in your environment and take appropriate measures, such as reducing the number of parallel schedules.
  4. Refer to this page to obtain the system requirements for environments with a large number of objects and configurations.


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