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Grupo Ramos trusts ADManager Plus to manage its Active Directory

About Grupo Ramos

Grupo Ramos is the leading retail sales company in the Dominican Republic. The company was established in 1965, and has been serving the market through its brands Sirena, Super Pola and Aprezio, while constantly evolving and adapting to market needs. The organization has ventured into real estate businesses, with the development of regional shopping centers under the name Multiplaza.


Grupo Ramos


Retail trade sector


Santo Domingo, the Dominician Republic

Business challenges

As the organization expanded, Grupo Ramos faced difficulties generating reports from Active Directory. It was challenging to track every user activity, password changes, and disabled users efficiently. This manual approach was time-consuming. Grupo Ramos determined it needed to automate its inefficient process to gain insights into user activity.

"ADManager Plus is super compatible and very manageable. We can handle all the functions that exist within here using this solution."

- Néstor Aguilar, Head of the infrastructure area

The solution: ADManager Plus

After implementing ADManager Plus, Grupos Ramos was able to generate reports in just a few clicks, saving time and effort. The national retailer produced comprehensive reports on user activity, as well as inactive and disabled users. This solution enabled seamless integration across multiple IT applications, simplifying user management.

Nestor mentions that they found ADManager Plus to be a valuable asset for infrastructure management. The tool allows them to generate reports requested by their supervisors quickly, improving efficiency. He particularly appreciates the ease of integration with other IT solutions.

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