Enterprise Edition - Monitor Group Rules

In Applications Manager's Enterprise Edition, you can configure rules for associating a Monitor to a monitor group from the Central Server. Here is how you can create a new Monitor Group rule:

  1. Under the Settings tabclick Monitor Group Rules in the Alarm/Action table. This opens a new Add New Rule window.
  2. Click Add New Rule to open a new Add Monitor Group Rule pop-up window.
  3. Enter a Rule Name and give your Description of the rule.
  4. Select the Monitor Group to which you wish to associate the rule from the drop-down list.
  5. You can also set up multiple filter criteria like name or type to a monitor group rule. For eg.
    • You can set multiple rules to associate only monitors whose name is Win and Monitor Type is Windows XP.
    • You can set multiple rules to associate only monitors whose name contains 192.168.27 or 192.168.26
  6. This will automatically assign monitors created in probe server to monitor groups created in central server based on the corresponding rules.
  7. You can edit or delete the Monitor Group Rule from the Add New Rule window by clicking on the edit or delete icon displayed near the rule name.

Note: New Rules created will be applied to groups in the Probe Servers only after the rules have been synced with the Probe Servers. However, these rules cannot be edited from the Probe Servers.

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