How to deploy outlook signature template for all users
This document will provide you the steps to configure a default email signature for all Outlook users, using Endpoint Central.
To configure a default email signature for all Outlook users, follow the steps mentioned below:
Create a default email signature:
- Create a new email signature on the machine where Microsoft Outlook is installed and name it, for example "sample". This will create a new folder sample_files and new signature files in html, rtf and .txt formats.
- Newly created signature folder(sample_files) and files (html, rtf &.txt formats) will be stored under the folder %appdata%\Microsoft\Signatures\
(Ex : C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures\)
Deploy and make the signature as default
Follow the steps mentioned below to make the above created signature as the default signature for the outlook users:
- Click Configurations Tab
- Under Add Configuration, Select Collection
- Select User Configuration
- Specify the name and description of the collection configuration
- Select File Folder Operation and Registry Settings and click Next
- Under Define Collection for Resgistry Settings, specify the following
- Action: Write value
- Sub-Key: Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\MailSettings
(use version 11.0 for office 2003, 12.0 for office 2007, 14.0 for office 2010 & 15.0 for office 2013)
- Data Type: REG_SZ
- Value Name: NewSignature
- Value Data / Expression: sample (specify the name of the signature that you have created)
- Click Next
- Under Define Collection for File Folder Operation, specify the following
If you want to select the files (.html, .rft, .txt),
- Specify the Type as "Copy using HTTP"
- Select Action Type as Files and upload the files that need to be copied( Folder: sample_files, Files: sample.html, sample.rtf & sample.txt)
- Specify the destination folder as "%appdata%\Microsoft\Signatures\" and click Next
If you want to select the source folder in which these files are present,
- Specify the Type as "Copy using Network Share/Copy with Local Computer"
- Select Copy a folder and Include Sub Foldersif you want the subfolders to be included.
- Select the source folder, specify the destination folder as"%appdata%\Microsoft\Signatures\" and click Next
- Under Define Target, specify the target and click Finish to deploy it.
You can see that all the outlook users will have a the default email signature applied to them during their next logon.
Thank you for your feedback!