How to configure SAML authentication settings in Central Server for AD FS?
This document will walk you through the steps required to configure SAML Authentication settings in Central Serverfor AD FS.
Installation Steps
Open AD FS management. Click on Add Relying Party Trust.
Click on Start.
Choose Enter data about the relying party manually. Click on Next.
Enter an appropriate Display name.
Click on Next.
In Central Server, navigate to Admintab and select SAML Authentication. Choose Certificate against Configuration by downloading. Copy the Assertion Consumer URL.
Choose Enable support for the SAML 2.0 WebSSO protocul. Paste theAssertion Consumer URL here. Click on Next.
Again inCentral Server, navigate toAdmintab and selectSAML Authentication. ChooseCertificate against Configurationby downloading. CopyEntity ID.
In AD FS management, paste the Entity IDin the Relying party trust identifier. Click on Add.
Click on Next.
Choose Permit everyone. Click on Next.
Click on Next.
Click on Close.
Select the added Relying Party Trust (1)(Endpoint_Central_SAML) and Click on Edit Claim Issuance Pulicy(2).
Click onAdd Rule.
In the drop-down list under Claim rule template, choose Transform an Incoming Claim.Click on Next.
Enter appropriate Claim rule name. Choose Windows account name as Incoming claim type. Select Name ID as Outgoing claim type. Choose Transient Identifier as Outgoing name ID format. Select Pass through all claim values. Click on Finish.
Click on Apply and then, click OK.
The next step is to download the Federation Metadata XML file from ADFS. The XML can be downloaded by appending:FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xmlto the root URL of the ADFS server. For example: If the FQDN of the ADFS server is, then the complete URL would be" target="_blank">
In theCentral Server console, navigate to Admin->SAML Authentication. Here, select the IdP as ADFS and choose the Name IDasUsername. Beside Configuration by uploading, choose Metadata and upload the Metadata XML file. Click on Save.
Open Central Server console. Click on Login with ADFS. Enter the credentials.