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SQL Server Always On

SQL Server Always On is a high-availability solution introduced by Microsoft to ensure continuous availability of databases. In Always On mode, two instances can point to the same database. If one instance goes down, the other takes over automatically. Central Server supports SQL Always On and it can be configured by following the instructions below:

For New SQL Server Configuration

For Existing SQL Server Configuration

If the SQL server has already been configured, update its settings to use the new Virtual IP address:

  1. Stop the Central Server.
  2. Open the database_params.conf file located at <Central_Server_Installation_Dir>\conf.
  3. Replace the existing SQL machine IP with the Virtual IP details as shown below:
    • url=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://Old_Server_name:SQLPort;DatabaseName=centralserver
    • url=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://VirtualIP:SQLPort;DatabaseName=centralserver
  4. Start the Central Server.

Acquiring the Master Key

When moving the Central Server database in MSSQL to an Always-On availability group, you will need a master key to configure Always-On. Follow these steps:

  1. Stop the Central Server service.
  2. Open a command prompt in administrator mode and navigate to the directory: <Central_Server_Installation_Dir>\bin
  3. Execute the batch file: getMasterKey.bat.
  4. When prompted, enter the Central Server console login credentials.
  5. You will receive the master key details (as shown in the screenshot below).

SQL Master Key for Always-On Configuration in Central Server

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