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Enhancements & Bugfixes between Build 70000 and 70100


  1. Role based administration introduced. You can define roles specifying the modules and access levels, which can be delegated to users.
  2. Support for scheduled backup of the database used by Endpoint Central has been added.
  3. Free Edition limit enhanced to manage up to 25 computers.
  4. Apache web server has been integrated to improve the performance for large network of computers.
  5. Endpoint Central Server performance has been optimized.
  6. Issue with Non-English Computer names displayed in Network Browser is fixed.
  7. Issues related to Active Directory computers with names exceeding 15 characters have been fixed.
  8. 'java.lang.Exception: NetBIOS and DC name cannot be null' issue while clicking on the workgroup name in SoM page has been fixed.
  9. Issue with selecting all computers while adding computers in SoM has been fixed.


  1. Issue in showing a pop up in Windows 2000 computers stating non-availability of a DLL file has been fixed.
  2. Issue in installing agents on Vista and above when UAC is enabled has been fixed.

Remote Office Management

  1. Remote Office agent communication (Distribution Server / Direct Communication) can now be modified from the SoM page.
  2. Remote Office details can now be imported using a CSV file.
  3. Inclusion of Alerts for Distribution Server.
  4. Remote Office names sorted in filters.

Inventory Management

  1. Custom group filter has been added for 'Software Usage by Computer' report.
  2. Computer Name column added in e-mail alerts of Prohibited Software/New Hardware Detected/New Software Detected.
  3. Computer Details view enhanced to include the system details like installed Windows Services, local users and groups in that computer.
  4. Exclude Custom Groups option has been added for Auto-Uninstallation of Prohibited Software.
  5. User Notification before Auto-Uninstallation of Software has been added.
  6. "Logged On Users" column included in Inventory Reports.
  7. The Computer Details view of the Inventory Reports will now include the Serial Numbers of Monitor and Hard Disk.
  8. License Management enhanced with the ability to attach license files and invoices to the software. You will also be able to add license details of software that are not detected in your network.
  9. Asset Data from Endpoint Central can now be integrated with ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus.
  10. Issue with Microsoft Office 2007 Productkey fetch is fixed.

Patch Management

  1. System Vulnerability Summary will now include additional system details like the operating system, service pack version, etc.
  2. Support for deploying patches for Non-Microsoft applications has been included.
  3. You will now be able to specify the type of updates with the severity levels while adding the Automated Patch Deployment task.
  4. Vulnerability Summary, which includes the application and missing patch information, of the computer can now be exported to PDF/CSV/XLS formats.
  5. Issue in Schedule Vulnerability Update is fixed.
  6. Issue in Reboot Policy during Patch installation is fixed.
  7. Issue in deploying the patches that have dependent patches has been fixed in the Automated Patch Deployment process.

Remote Control

  1. Prompt User issue in Remote Control has been fixed for Multiple User Login of Vista/2008 Server/Windows 7.


  1. 'Manager' column has been added in 'All User Accounts' Report under AD Reports category.
  2. Option to create and save Custom Query Reports has been included.
  3. Time interval issue in Filter has been fixed for all reports.
  4. No. of characters allowed in the NOTES field of AD Reports has been increased.


  1. Support for deploying IP Printer and Shared Printer Configurations to Windows Vista, Windows 2008 and Windows 7 computers have been added.
  2. In Define Target Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 have been added in the exclude OS list.
  3. Issue in displaying computer message box on Vista and above has been fixed.
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