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How to deploy Microsoft Office 2019 & Microsoft Office 2021?

This document provides you the steps required to deploy Microsoft Office 2019 and Microsoft Office 2021 to multiple computers using Endpoint Central.


System Requirements

Before you deploy the software application, ensure that the computers to which you deploy Microsoft Office 2019 or 2021, meets the system requirements prescribed by Microsoft. Refer to the article for more details.

Download the Tool

Download Office Deployment Tool from the Microsoft website and store in the Network Share. Network share is recommended only if you wanted to deploy the software to computers within the network. If you wanted to deploy Microsoft Office to computers located in a remote location, you can use HTTP upload.

Note: The network share should have read permissions to Everyone group and should be accessible from all the computers to which you are trying to install.

Tool download

Extract the contents of the EXE

  • Double-click on the office deployment tool executable (.exe) to extract the ODT files.
  • To extract the downloaded package via command line, open command prompt and run the following command -

    <File Path>\<officedeploymenttool.exe> /extract:"<File Path>\Destination Folder" /quiet

Ensure that you enter the correct office deployment executable file name and the file path at the command prompt before extracting the package. You can know the file name by viewing the details, before downloading the package from the website.

Tool download

Create a Customized XML

Note: Kindly ensure that the edited Configuration XML file matches the file name specified in the given command.

  • You can use this link to create a customized xml file according to your requirement.
  • Export the configuration xml and paste it in the folder, where the setup.exe is place.

Sample configuration for Microsoft office 2021

<Add OfficeClientEdition="64"
<Product ID="ProPlus2021Volume">
<Language ID="en-us" />
<Remove All="True" />
<Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />

Sample configuration for Microsoft Office 2019

<Add OfficeClientEdition="64" Channel="PerpetualVL2019">
<Product ID="ProPlus2019Volume">
<Language ID="en-us" />
<Remove All="True" />
<Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />

Download the Package

  1. To download the complete package by using the customized xml, open command prompt and navigate to the location where the setup files are present and execute the command below as mentioned in the image.

    setup.exe /download config.xml

    customize tool

  2. After downloading the package, you can deploy it through Endpoint Central. If you are planning to deploy via HTTP, zip the office folder that was downloaded in the above step, appropriate customised xml file and setup file as shown in the below image. Add the zipped folder in the HTTP path.

    download and zip

Adding the software package in Endpoint Central

  1. Click the Software Deployment tab.
  2. Under Packages, Click Add Package.
  3. Specify a name for the application.
  4. Select the package type as EXE/APPX/MSIEXEC/MSU.
  5. Choose Network Share Path/HTTP Path based on your requirement. If it is network share, read permissions to Everyone group and should be accessible from all the computers to which you are trying to install. If HTTP path, locate the zipped folder you created.


  6. Once you have located your installable, provide installation command accordingly by referring the table below:
    Share Path / CD
    Installation Command

    "<Share Path>\setup.exe" /configure Share Path\configuration.xml"

    setup.exe /configure <configurationfilename>.xml


    "\\desktop\sharepath\Office2019\setup.exe" /configure "\\desktop\sharepath\Office2019\configuration-Office2019.xml"

    setup.exe /configure configuration-Office2019Enterprise.xml


  7. Click Add Package

Deploy to target computers

  1. Select the package that you have added.
  2. Click Install/Uninstall Software.
  3. Enter a Name and Description for the configuration.
  4. Define the Package Settings.
  5. Choose the Operation Type as Install.
  6. Choose the Package Name from the drop down.
  7. Configure Install/Uninstall Options
      Install As
    • System User: The software will be applied at the system level, utilizing the SYSTEM user account.
    • Run as User: The software will be deployed to the target machine with the credentials we select. We recommend choosing the Domain Admin credentials to avoid access level issues.
  8. Configure the Deployment Settings.
  9. Define the target computers.
  10. Configure the Scheduler Settings, if required.
  11. Click Deploy/Deploy Immediately to deploy your configuration.

To troubleshoot Microsoft Office deployment errors, click here

To uninstall Microsoft 2019 / 2021, click here.

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