
  1. The CSV files can be uploaded in two different formats. Refer to the examples at the bottom of the page.
  2. The first line of the CSV file is the header to specify the column names.
  3. The device types should be indicated with their corresponding numerical ID.


Numerical IDs of Device Types

Numerical ID Device Type
1 Removable storage device
3 Windows portable devices
4 Apple devices
5 Bluetooth Adapters
6 Printers
7 Modems
8 Wireless network adapters
9 Imaging devices
10 Serial ports (COM)
11 Parallel ports (LPT)
12 Biometric devices
13 Infrared devices
14 Smart card readers
15 Tape drives
16 Mouses
17 Keyboards
18 Floppy disks

Sample CSV Format

  1. For the first format, the device type along with parent instance and device instance paths should be provided. Download Sample CSV
  2. For the second format, only the inputs for device type, serial number, product and vendor IDs are necessary. Download Sample CSV
  3. A column for custom device name is optional for both formats.
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