
What is Sensors

Endpoint Central offers robust inventory management by collecting a wide range of device data, including hardware details, software information, certificates, and more. However, you may occasionally need to monitor specific device attributes to gain deeper insights into your environment.

Sensors are integrated as a resource in Workflows, enabling you to automate the process of fetching and utilizing required device attributes efficiently. This integration simplifies monitoring and ensures that critical data is always at your fingertips

Creating Sensors

To create a new sensor

  1. Click on Endpoint Analytics, and then select Sensors from the left navigation menu.
  2. Click Add Sensor button

    Create Sensor

  3. Enter a descriptive Name and description for your sensor

    Sensor Name and Description

  4. Click Add variables to define data that you want to collect from Device

    1. Enter Display name for variable, visible in Endpoint Central console
    2. Enter Variable name that is used in powershell script
    3. Specify whether the data contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
    4. Select the appropriate data type
    5. Add a brief Description of the variable.

    Sensor Add Variables

  5. In the Script Editor, implement the business logic to retrieve properties from Endpoints and assign them to the predefined variables from the cases above.

    Sensor Variables View

  6. Specify the arguments to be passed to the script when executed.
  7. Specify the exit codes that Confirm if the script has been executed successfully. If there are multiple exit codes, enter them by separating each with a comma.

    For example, to retrieve the percentage of free disk space on a drive, you can use the following PowerShell command:

    Sensor Scripts

Use of Sensors

Sensors can be integrated as stages within Workflows to retrieve specific device properties. The sensor's output can then be used in the Switch stage for making data-driven decisions within your workflow automation.

Permissions Required for Using Sensors

To grant user permissions for managing Sensors, follow these steps:

  1. Select Admin from the top menu bar.
  2. Under User Administration, click Role
  3. Click on Add Role to create a new role or Modify existing role by clicking Modify from the action menu
  4. In the Endpoint Central section, scroll down to the Sensors section and enable the appropriate permissions for the role.
    • Read: Allows view-only access.
    • Write or Full Control: Allows add,modify and delete Sensors.
  5. Sensor Roles
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