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Installing Service Pack

The Central Server periodically provides Service Packs that introduce new features (requested by customers), bug fixes, and update documentation in the form of HTML files. Service Packs can be downloaded from the website and installed using the Update Manager tool.

Important: You must log in to the Server Machine with Domain Administrator credentials, as specified in the Scope of Management, to install a Service Pack.

Note: To find the Central Server directory, open services.msc on the machine where the Central Server is installed. Locate the ManageEngine UEMS - Server service, right-click it, and go to Properties > General. The installation directory is listed there.

Best Practices for Server Upgrades

  • During the upgrade, server services will be unavailable, meaning console access will not be possible. The server upgrade process first backs up your existing setup before upgrading the Central Server. The duration of the upgrade depends on the amount of data in your environment.
  • Typically, the upgrade process takes 2-3 hours. However, it is recommended to schedule at least 4 hours of downtime as backup time may vary depending on your data size.


  1. Ensure that a backup is available in the UEMS_Central_Server\scheduledDB_backup folder.
  2. If the Central Server is installed on a virtual machine (VM), stop the server and take a snapshot of the VM before starting the upgrade.
  3. Ensure that no Central Server-related executables (.exe) are running after stopping the service and before starting the upgrade.
  4. Verify that sufficient disk space is available—at least equal to the size of the Central Server data.

Installing Service Packs

  • Without Failover Server
  • With Failover Server
  1. Stop the Server. Open services.msc and stop the ManageEngine UEMS - Server service.
  2. Start the Update Manager by executing the script UpdateManager.bat located in the <Central_Server_Home>/bin directory.
  3. Click Browse and select the Service Pack file (.ppm) to be installed. You can view the Readme file by clicking Readme.
  4. Click Install to start the installation.
  5. The agents and distribution servers will be upgraded automatically the next time they contact the server.
  6. Restart the Central Server.
  1. Stop the Central Server Secondary Server. Open services.msc and stop the ManageEngine UEMS - Server service.
  2. Start the Update Manager by executing the script UpdateManager.bat located in the <Central_Server_Home>/bin directory.
  3. If the server version is 10.1.2137.03 or higher, navigate to <Installed_Dir/bin> on the secondary server and execute the script SecondaryServerPPMHandler.bat. Otherwise, skip this step.
  4. After stopping the secondary server, stop the Central Server Primary Server.
  5. Navigate to <Installed_Directory/UEMS_CentralServer/bin> and run UpdateManager.bat.
  6. Click Browse and select the Service Pack file (.ppm) that you downloaded. Click Install. The installation may take a few minutes to complete. Once finished, exit the Update Manager Tool.
  7. Note: If the upgrade fails, the system will automatically revert to the previous version.
  8. Start the Central Server Primary Server. Once it is running, start the Secondary Server.

Post-Upgrade Activities

  1. Agents and Distribution Servers will upgrade automatically within a 90-minute refresh interval.
  2. Agents will only upgrade after their respective Distribution Servers have been upgraded.
  3. Successful communication between the Distribution Server and agents, as well as between the Central Server and agents, is mandatory for the agent upgrade.
  4. Only after the agents are successfully upgraded can you proceed with other activities such as patching, software deployment, and remote control.
  5. Ensure that the machine where the Central Server is installed has sufficient upload/download speed to distribute upgrade files to clients and the Distribution Server.
  6. Avoid scheduling any patching activities until the agent upgrade is completed, as it may delay the process.
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