Microsoft 365 - Patch Download Failure
Microsoft 365 patch download fails with the following error codes:
- Command execution failure
- Unable to execute command
- Unknown Error Code:- 2147012894
- Unknown Error Code:- 2147012852
The possible reasons of this issue could be:
- The user doesn't have access to Setup.exe file, and hence won't be able to execute it.
- Due to antivirus blocking.
- The proxy credentials given in the Proxy Settings are not valid.
Step 1:
Whitelist the below-mentioned domains in proxy to download the Office patches. To acquire further information on Microsoft 365 URLs and IP address ranges, click here.
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Step 2:
If the download fails even when the above-mentioned links are whitelisted, follow the steps mentioned below to ensure that there is no network issue or privilege issue in your environment:
- Login to the server installed system and create a folder named o365.
- Copy the XML content mentioned below and save it with the file name as download.xml. Place the file in the o365 folder that you created in the first step.
<Add OfficeClientEdition="64" Channel="Current">
<Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail">
<Language ID="en-us"/>
<Display AcceptEULA="TRUE"/>
- Download the office deployment tool and place it in the o365 folder along with download.xml.
- Then extract the .exe file using 7zip in the same path.
- Run Command Prompt as administrator and execute the below-mentioned commands:
setup.exe /download download.xml
echo %errorlevel%
- Once the above-mentioned steps have been executed, the error level should be 0.In case any other value is displayed, kindly contact support.
Step 3:
Once the above-mentioned steps have been performed and if the exit code is 0, then there might be a privilege issue in your environment. To resolve, perform the following steps:
- Open Run (Windows key + R) > type services.msc
- Right-click on ManageEngine UEMS - Server > Properties
- Click on Log On
- Click on This account, type in the credentials of the system's admin account and click on OK
- Restart the server and deploy/download the O365 patch
In case the problem persists, kindly contact support.