Microsoft 365 Patch Installation failure
Patch update delayed since application is used by another process
Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.,) might have been running on the machine during the patch deployment stage.
This can be resolved using multiple workarounds as listed below:
- Deploy the Microsoft 365 patch after closing all the Office application that are currently running on the machine.
- Change the registry key value for alwaysKillApps to 1 (dword). You can find it in the following registry path, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\AdventNet\DesktopCentral\DCAgent\Patch. If the registry path mentioned is not available in the machine, then create a new registry path or use the patches, available under the Supported patches tab to enable/disable alwayskillapps option.
- Patch 100012 - To enable alwayskillapps option
- Patch 100013 - To disable alwayskillapps option
If alwaysKillApps is set to 1, all the Office applications that are currently running on the machine will be closed during the patch deployment stage, without any popup notification. This might cause data loss if work isn't saved.
- Set notification message for Microsoft 365 patch deployment: Create a separate configuration for Microsoft 365 patch deployment, with the user notification option enabled. You can fill out an appropriate notification message for deployment like the example given below: Example: Your Administrator has configured an Microsoft 365 update, to be installed on this computer. This will close any Microsoft 365 executables running on your machine without saving any data. So kindly ensure that your data is saved before proceeding with the deployment. The end user can further be given an option to skip deployment as well, refer the link to know more about this.
- (Available only for on-premises versions 10.1.2137.1 and later builds)
Since patches can't be deployed to applications when they are in use, users can now either close the application and proceed for deployment or skip the deployment until the next refresh cycle based on the settings enabled by the admin.
Unknown error code - 2146994714 (or) Patch Store Location Not Available
Downloaded file not available at the patch store location.
Contact Patch Management Support with the following details:
- Server logs and the agent logs of the machines affected.
- Navigate to the Patches folder available in the agent machine at %program files%/DesktopCentral_Agent\Patches\
- In the Patches folder, you will find a zip file named {dependency_PatchID} Right-click the zip file and go to properties. Take a screenshot of the properties window as the size of the zip folder is required for analysis.
- Open the zip folder and take a screenshot of the files inside.
- Also navigate to Office > Data folder, in the same zip file and take a screenshot of the window as the number of files in the Data folder is required for analysis.
Unknown error code : 17006
If any of the following executables are running in the task manager during patch deployment time, then deployment fails with the error code 17006: WINWORD.EXE, EXCEL.EXE, MSACCESS.EXE, OfficeClickToRun.exe, GROOVE.EXE, OUTLOOK.EXE, ONENOTE.exe, POWERPNT.EXE, MSPUB.EXE, LYNC.EXE, WINPROJ.EXE, VISIO.EXE, ACCICONS.EXE, lynchtmlconv.exe, PPTICO.EXE
- Go to task manager and check if any of the mentioned executables are running while patch deployment. If yes, kill it and then retry deployment.
- Avoid using Microsoft 365 applications at the time of deployment.
- (Available only for on-premises versions 10.1.2137.1 and later builds)
Since patches can't be deployed to applications when they are in use, users can now either close the application and proceed for deployment or skip the deployment until the next refresh cycle based on the settings enabled by the admin.
Unknown error code : 17002
- Microsoft 365 applications might be running in the task manager during deployment.
- Your computer's Antivirus software or Firewall might be blocking Office installation.
- Pre-existing version of an Office suite might be blocking the installation.
- Your system might have an Incomplete\partial\failed repair\installation\change\removal of a previous Office Installation.
- Office suite might be preventing the installation of a newer version.
- The language packs and proofing tools of the Office application installed in the machine are not selected in Office Click-to-Run settings. (Applicable for DC agent build versions greater than 10.1.2137.1)
- Avoid using Microsoft 365 applications at the time of deployment.
- Repair Microsoft 365 application and then retry deployment.
- If the issue persists, uninstall and then re-install the Microsoft 365 application.
- If the issue still persists, contact vendor for the resolution to this error code.
- Select all the language packs and proofing tools installed in the machine, in Office Click-to-Run settings.
Unknown error code : 17003
- Microsoft 365 applications might be running in the task manager during deployment.
- Another installation is in progress.
- Check if setup.exe or clicktorun.exe is running in the task manager. If yes, kill it and retry the deployment again.
- Avoid using Microsoft 365 applications at the time of deployment.
Unknown error code: 30035
- Microsoft Office system file might be corrupted.
- Previous installations might not have been removed properly.
- Windows Firewall might not be allowing network access.
- You might have downloaded a partial setup.
- Repair your Microsoft 365 application and then retry deployment.
- If the issue persists, uninstall and then re-install the Microsoft 365 application.
- If the issue still persists, contact the vendor for the resolution to this error code.
Catastrophic failure
Due to environmental issue.
Kindly contact vendor for this error.
KB updates are not shown missing for Microsoft 365 installed machines
KB updates are not applicable for Microsoft 365 edition
Since Microsoft 365 updates are based on versions and builds, KB updates are not applicable to them. For further details on this, refer this link.
Microsoft 365 auto-update/repair option has been disabled after installing update through patch management
This is the default behavior of Microsoft 365.
If you are using ManageEngine's patch management for updating Microsoft 365, then it automatically disables the update option in Microsoft 365 console. This is how the update option is disabled, the update URL is changed to patch store location and UpdatesEnabled is set to false in the registry key given below:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration - UpdateUrl : {PatchStoreLocation}
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration - UpdatesEnabled : False
If you wish to enable this option, change the registry key as shown below:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration - UpdateUrl : {PatchStoreLocation}. Delete this UpdateURL value
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration - UpdatesEnabled : True
Configure Language Packs
The Office Click-to-Run settings has not been configured with the required Language Packs and Proofing Tools for the Office application installed on the machine.
- Navigate to Admin > Patch Settings > Office Click-to-Run settings.

- Select all the Language Packs to be downloaded with the updates and Additional Proofing Tools of the Office application installed in the machine.
Enabling the Automatically add Office Click-to-Run application languages, newly discovered in the network to the selected Language Packs list checkbox will automatically include the newly installed languages on endpoints to the language packs list.
- Click on Save.
- Then re-download the patch and deploy to the target machines.
Office updates postponed by users / Office updates postponed due to no response to notification
The updates cannot be deployed if the Office applications are is use. A prompt offers the choice to skip deployment or kill the application in use to proceed with deployment. If there's no response to the prompt in 5 minutes, the deployment will automatically be postponed. Hence, the error occurs if the prompt is ignored or the deployment is skipped.
In case the problem persists, kindly contact support.