Script Templates


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Script Details of Script to set time format
Parameters - "<format>"
Configuration Type - USER/COMPUTER
Example: EEE d MMM h:mm:ss a
EEE - day of the week (not mandatory)
d MMM represents the date and month (not mandatory, non - atomic)
h represents 12-hour format, for 24-hour format use HH (Mandatory)
mm is minutes (Mandatory)
ss is seconds (Mandatory)
a is to indicate if AM/PM can be there (not mandatory)
the arguments should be present in the order mentioned in the example
Script Name
Description Script to set time format
Parameters - "<format>"
Configuration Type - USER/COMPUTER
Example: EEE d MMM h:mm:ss a
EEE - day of the week (not mandatory)
d MMM represents the date and month (not mandatory, non - atomic)
h represents 12-hour format, for 24-hour format use HH (Mandatory)
mm is minutes (Mandatory)
ss is seconds (Mandatory)
a is to indicate if AM/PM can be there (not mandatory)
the arguments should be present in the order mentioned in the example
Script Arguments --
Exit Code 0
Added Date Sep 5, 2017
Script type sh
Category computer management
Platform Mac

Disclaimer: This webpage is intended to provide you information about executing about execting custom script for computers. The information is provided "As Is" without warranty of any kind.

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