Script Templates

Script Details of Script to delete a file placed anywhere in the computer
Parameters - "<file name>"
Remarks - The script will take some time to execute
'and post the status as it has to scan through the whole computer to search for the file and delete it.
Configuration Type - COMPUTER/USER
Script Name SearchAndDeleteFile.vbs
Description Script to delete a file placed anywhere in the computer
Parameters - "<file name>"
Remarks - The script will take some time to execute
'and post the status as it has to scan through the whole computer to search for the file and delete it.
Configuration Type - COMPUTER/USER
Script Arguments --
Exit Code 0
Added Date Nov 12, 2015
Script type vbs
Category file folder
Platform Windows

Disclaimer: This webpage is intended to provide you information about executing about execting custom script for computers. The information is provided "As Is" without warranty of any kind.

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