Script Templates


March 13, 2025 | 11:30 EDT & 6:30 a.m. GMT

Patch Tuesday Updates from ManageEngine

Script Details of Script to revert "Administrative Shares Enabled" misconfiguration. In order to disable the admin shares, we introduce two new registry values and then delete the existing administrative shares. When reverting, we delete those registry values but we cannot retrieve the administrative shares that were deleted. The user will have to add those again manually.
Script Name Revert_Administrative_Shares_Enabled.bat
Description Script to revert "Administrative Shares Enabled" misconfiguration. In order to disable the admin shares, we introduce two new registry values and then delete the existing administrative shares. When reverting, we delete those registry values but we cannot retrieve the administrative shares that were deleted. The user will have to add those again manually.
Script Arguments --
Exit Code 0
Added Date Apr 30, 2021
Script type bat
Category Misconfiguration Reverts
Platform Windows

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