Script Templates


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Patch Tuesday Updates from ManageEngine

Script Details of This script enables the remote locking of a misplaced Windows machine using BitLocker. The password can be provided in the "Script Arguments" field, which will be used to set the BitLocker password. The password can consist of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, symbols, spaces, and must be between 8 and 256 characters in length.
Script Name RemoteLock.ps1
Description This script enables the remote locking of a misplaced Windows machine using BitLocker. The password can be provided in the "Script Arguments" field, which will be used to set the BitLocker password. The password can consist of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, symbols, spaces, and must be between 8 and 256 characters in length.
Script Arguments Password to unlock the machine (in double quotes)
Exit Code 0
Added Date Apr 18, 2024
Script type ps1
Category Security
Platform Windows

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