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1. Why is the Service Pack installation failed?

Service Pack installation will fail, if you have not logged in as a Domain Administrator that has been specified in the Scope of Management. Login to the computer with the Domain Administrator credential and then install the Service Pack.


2. Configurations are not applied properly after upgrading to the latest Service Pack. Why?

One possible reason could be that the Endpoint Central agents in the client computers are not upgraded to the latest. Whenever there is a change in the version, it gets automatically upgraded during the next user logon in the client machines. It should be noted that the user should have the same or higher privileges as that of the user on whose account that the Endpoint Central agent was initially installed. Check the Agent version from AgentScope of Management

3. How do I install a Service Pack or Hotfix to Endpoint Central?

Download the latest Service Pack or the Hotfix from our website and follow the instructions below to install them:

  1. Shut down Endpoint Central. (either through Start --> Programs -->ManageEngine Endpoint Central --> Stop Endpoint Central or Right click Endpoint Central logo on the Notification area of Task bar and click Shut down Server)
  2. Important:
    1. Take a backup of the Endpoint Central installation directory (<Install_Dir>/DesktopCentral_Server) to avoid any data loss during the upgrade process.
    2. If you have installed Endpoint Central Server on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 2008, you should login as a default administrator before running the Update Manager tool.
    3. Ensure that either your Endpoint Central installation directory or the Endpoint Central Directory folder in the system on which the Endpoint Central database is running is not scanned by the anti virus.
  3. Execute the UpdateManager.bat file present in the <Desktop Central_Home>/bin directory.
  4. Click "Browse" and select the.ppm file that you have downloaded.
  5. Click "Install" to install the service pack. This may take few minutes depending on the amount of data that needs to be migrated.
  6. Wait until the service pack / hotfix is fully installed.
  7. Click "Close" and then click "Exit" to exit the Update Manager tool.
  8. Start the Endpoint Central.


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