Uninstall Microsoft Office 2019
This document provides you the steps to uninstall Microsoft Office 2019 using Endpoint Central.
Download the Package
Download Microsoft office 2019 tool from the Microsoft website and store in the network share.
Customize the XML
- To extract the downloaded package, navigate to the command prompt and run this command -
<filepath>\officedeploymenttool_6612-6352.exe /extract:"<filepath>\Destination Folder" /quiet
- After extracting the package, you will see a "setup.exe" file along with .xml files. Remove those .xml files and create a new one named Uninstall.xml using the content provided below, then save it in the same directory.
<Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="True" />
<Property Name="FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN" Value="True" />
<Product ID="ProPlus2019Volume">
- To remove any other Products, that are supported by the Office Deployment Tool, refer to the article here and modify the ProductID as required to remove the particular application.
- Setting FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN value as "True" will close all the microsoft office applications forcibly, before removing the application. This may cause any data loss if Microsoft Office applications were running in the background. If this feature is not required, set FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN value to be FALSE. This will not remove the application, if any of the applications are running in the machine.

- Place the complete folder in the Network share.
Adding the software package in Endpoint Central
- Click the Software Deployment tab
- Click Add Package
- Select the MSIEXEC/EXE/ISS/Command package type
- Specify a name for the application
- Choose Shared Folder
- Specify the UnInstallation Command with Switches/Arguments as:
"<sharepath>setup.exe" /uninstall ProPlus /config "<sharepath>\uninstall.xml
For example,"\\dc-machine1\SoftwareRepository\office\setup.exe" /uninstall ProPlus /config "\\dc-machine1\SoftwareRepository\office\uninstall.xml"
- Click Add Package

Deploy to target computers
- Select the package that you added
- Click Uninstall Software
- Enter a name and description for the configuration
- Define the package settings
- Choose the operation type as Install
- Choose the package name from drop down
- Configure Install/uninstall options.
- Configure the deployment settings
- Choose the target computers
- Specify the schedule options, if required
- Click Deploy
You have uninstalled Microsoft Office 2019 successfully.
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