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How do I set an IP printer as the default printer for all the users of a client computer in my network?


This document provides you with steps required to set an IP printer as the default printer for all the users of a client computer in your network.


To set an IP printer as the default printer for all the users of a client computer in your network, follow the steps given below:

Note: You are required to download the script setasdefault.txt and save it in your computer. Rename it to setasdefault.bat.

  1. Click the Configurations tab
  2. Click Configuration
  3. In the User Configurations section, select Custom Script
  4. Enter a name and description for the configuration
  5. In the Custom Script Configuration section, select Create
  6. Click Local
  7. Click Choose File
  8. Select setasdefault.bat
  9. In the Script Arguments field, enter the name of the IP printer that you want to set as the default printer
  10. Set the execution settings
  11. Choose a target

    Note: Choose all the users in the client computer for which you want to set the IP printer as the default printer.

  12. Configure the execution settings as required
  13. Click Deploy

You have set an IP printer as the default printer for all the users of a client computer in your network. The settings will reflect in the client computers during the agent's 90-minute refresh cycle, during startup or during logon—whichever takes place earlier.

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