PowerShell » Shared mailbox permissions

PowerShell scripts for shared mailbox permissions

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Exchange Online Reports

Shared mailboxes, like shared folders, can be accessed by multiple users. But for users to access a shared mailbox, they must be granted permissions such as full access, send as, or send on behalf of. To ensure that a shared mailbox is not accessed by an unintended user, it is important to monitor the users who can access a mailbox along with the type of permissions that users have on that shared mailbox.

PowerShell cmdlets to view and add shared mailbox permissions

  1. Get-MailboxPermission [-Identity] <MailboxIdParameter> [-User <SecurityPrincipalIdParameter>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-ReadFromDomainController] [-ResultSize <Unlimited>] [<CommonParameters>]

    This cmdlet gives you the list of permissions configured for a particular shared mailbox.

  2. Add-MailboxPermission [-Identity] <MailboxIdParameter> -AccessRights <MailboxRights[]> -User <SecurityPrincipalIdParameter> [-AutoMapping <Boolean>] [-Confirm] [-Deny] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-IgnoreDefaultScope] [-InheritanceType <ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance>] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    This cmdlet is common for both user mailboxes and shared mailboxes. It is used to assign permissions to specific users to provide them access to a particular mailbox.

How to do it the Exchange Reporter Plus way

Exchange Reporter Plus offers exclusive prebuilt reports to simplify the monitoring of shared mailbox permissions. This saves Exchange admins and technicians the trouble of writing lengthy and complex PowerShell scripts. Follow the steps given below to generate the Shared Mailbox Permissions report:

  1. Go to the Reporting tab.
  2. Navigate to Exchange Server → Organization → Shared Mailbox Reports.
  3. Select Shared Mailbox Permissions.
  4. Choose the Organization and shared mailbox for which you want to generate the report.
  5. Click OK.


This is how Exchange Reporter Plus simplifies the process of fetching shared mailbox permissions related information. Learn more about the benefits of Exchange Reporter Plus.

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