Build 5721
EnhancementsReleased on Mar 13, 2025
- The jQuery library used in the product has been updated from 1.9.1 to 3.5.1.
Build 5720
FixesReleased on Feb 13, 2025
Issues fixed:
- The integration between Log360 and Exchange Reporter Plus will now require super admin credentials for both local and remote deployments. Please update Exchange Reporter Plus and Log360 to the latest version to ensure smooth operation.
- An issue with data collection for the mailbox account properties task in Exchange Server 2010 environment has been fixed.
- An issue with exporting the Email Traffic report has been fixed.
- An issue with updating instances of the product which were configured to use Microsoft SQL server when the Exchange Reporter Plus instance was in build 5704 and lower has been fixed.
- An issue with generating the Distribution Members report has been fixed.
- An issue with connecting to Exchange Online when the product is installed in Windows Server 2019 has been fixed.
- An issue with displaying OU-based reports when the name of the OU contains parenthesis has been fixed.
- An issue that prevented the selection of distribution groups with dots in their names within Email Traffic reports has been fixed.
- The issue where the count of deleted servers was included in the number of servers on the gathering servers page has been fixed
- Security issues have been fixed to improve the integrity of the product.
Build 5719
EnhancementsFixesReleased on Nov 01, 2024
- As Microsoft has deprecated the Search-AdminAuditLog cmdlet, audit profiles and their associated reports that previously used it will now switch to the Search-UnifiedAuditLog cmdlet.
- The Data Sources selection field for the Distribution Group Permission task has been removed to improve the data collection time.
- PowerShell data collection will be in English, regardless of the server's language settings.
- The LDAP Attribute column has been added to Mailbox Features report.
- The character limit for the message content while emailing a scheduled report has been increased from 700 to 2000 characters.
- The performance of Exchange Online Mail Trace audit profiles has been enhanced.
Issues fixed:
- An issue where the Message Count and Size Summary report, when exported, displayed a hyperlink instead of the actual numeric value under the Message Count column has been fixed.
- An issue where copying the contents within a Microsoft SQL database using ChangeDB.bat failed when the database name contained the hyphen (-) special character has been fixed.
- An issue with the Mailbox Enabled Users report, where there was a mismatch in the user mailboxes count, has been fixed.
- An issue that caused a ReadTimeout exception error during product updates due to database connection timeout has been fixed.
- An issue where the Last Gathered Time column under Monitoring Configuration displayed incorrect time for Daylight Saving Time Zones has been fixed.
- An issue where the Content Search reports did not display the body of the message has been fixed.
- An issue in Monitoring Configuration, where a new report would not save if more than 100 databases were selected using the Target database option for the Database Monitoring category, has been fixed.
- An issue where the Forward Set Inbox Rule report, when exported, displayed incorrect data has been fixed.
- An issue where the summarization query fails in Email Activity User report due to the request length exceeding the threshold when there are a large number of message trace indices has been fixed.
- An SQL injection vulnerability in the sort_column and sort_order parameters has been fixed.
- An issue where the reports mentioned below failed to generate due to a recent change by Microsoft in the cmdlets used for data collection has been fixed.
- Disabled Exchange Users
- Enabled Exchange Users
- The Imported transport rule collections audit action in the Mailflow audit profile category has been removed as the cmdlet Import-TransportRuleCollection has been deprecated by Microsoft.
Build 5718
EnhancementsFixesReleased on Jul 15, 2024
- Exchange Reporter Plus can now forward audit logs to ManageEngine's cloud-based SIEM solution, Log360 Cloud, for effective monitoring and compliance management.
Issues Fixed:
- An XSS injection vulnerability in the Message field used for two-factor authentication email verification has been fixed.
- An SQL injection vulnerability in the allotedSizeParam and mailboxsizeRelation parameters, as reported by minhgalaxy, has been fixed.
- An SQL injection vulnerability in the objectId parameter has been fixed.
- Every Exchange Reporter Plus instance will now have a randomized password for the database bundled with the product.
Build 5717
MajorEnhancementsFixesReleased on May 27, 2024
- Archive Mailbox Size Growth report: This new report shows the growth rate of archived mailboxes over a specified period.
- RPS Connectivity report: This new report shows the health status of the Remote PowerShell for Exchange Server 2013 and above. For Exchange Server 2010, this report focuses on the connectivity status of Remote PowerShell.
- Exported reports will now feature an additional field called Organization Display Name.
- Duo Web Authentication in Exchange Reporter Plus now supports Universal Prompt.
- The Elasticsearch service will now enforce TLS version 1.2 by default.
- Help Desk Technician Audit Report now includes all actions performed during a Content Search.
- Distribution List Members' reports can now be collected without requiring a Domain Admin privileged service account.
Issues Fixed:
- An issue where the Mailbox Usage in % field in the Mailbox Size report displayed incorrect values has been fixed.
- An issue where the product failed to collect data for distribution group members when the AD Recycle Bin was enabled has been fixed.
- An issue where the Alerts section in the Monitoring and Audit tab was not displaying any data has been fixed.
- An issue where the Actual Sender field displayed the incorrect email address in the Sent Traffic for Users and Received Traffic for Users reports been fixed.
- An issue where the Content Search feature was not providing the correct results when using the Contains filter has been fixed.
- An issue where deleted members were being displayed in the Distribution List Members report has been fixed.
- An issue where reports related to mailboxes were only partially displayed when the number of characters in the title attribute exceeded 64 characters has been fixed.
- An issue where Send on Behalf permissions were falsely displayed in the permission reports has been fixed.
- A path traversal vulnerability while exporting reports from the Schedule Reports section has been fixed.
- An issue in the Archive Mailbox Size report where the Archive size column displayed zero when the Retrieve archive state option was disabled in the Mailbox account properties task has been fixed.
- An issue in the Public Folder Client Permissions reports where partial data was displayed has been fixed.
- An issue in the Inactive Distribution Lists report where incorrect data was displayed due to mishandling of the proxy address has been fixed.
- The issue of data archiving failures in rare cases has been fixed.
- An issue in the Inactive Distribution Lists report where incorrect time was displayed under the Last Mail Received On column has been fixed.
- An issue in the Mailbox Enabled Users report where the mailboxes already migrated to Exchange Online were still displayed has been fixed.
- The issue while configuring a Microsoft 365 tenant, which caused the service account to be created without the necessary privileges, has been fixed.
- An issue where the service packs of Exchange Reporter Plus were flagged malicious by the VirusTotal website has been fixed.
- An issue where the product failed to start after updating with service packs when a custom patch was previously provided has been fixed.
- An issue where the troubleshooting option for a configured Microsoft 365 tenant failed at the permission check stage has been fixed.
- An issue which caused few Exchange Online reports to fail due to TLS 1.2 not being enabled by default has been fixed.
- An issue where the Mails Deleted or Moved report displayed garbage characters when the Arabic language was selected as the preferred language with a Microsoft SQL database has been fixed.
- An issue where the distribution group's count was displayed incorrectly in the Organization Summary report has been fixed.
- Email code verification requests have been limited to ten per minute to mitigate brute force attacks.
Build 5715
FixesReleased on Jan 24, 2024
Issue fixes:
- An SQL injection vulnerability which occurred when exporting a report, as reported by minhgalaxy, has been fixed.
Build 5714
EnhancementsFixesReleased on Dec 11, 2023
New Features:
- SSL deployment through UI: Easily apply a SSL certificate and enable HTTPS to secure Exchange Reporter Plus in just a few clicks with the all new UI-based SSL certification tool.
- You can now delete monitoring and auditing alerts, either individually or in bulk.
- You can now modify TLS versions and Ciphers when configuring SSL.
- The Information Store Path configuration for Exchange Server now supports network paths
- The performance of the Basic Mailbox Permission task has been improved.
Issues Fixed:
- Multiple issues in the license management module have been fixed.
- An issue where the Basic Mailbox Permission task failed to fetch data in a server with multiple domains has been fixed.
- An issue where deleted objects like mailboxes, AD users, contacts, distribution groups, distribution members, mail-enabled users, and public folders being shown in the respective reports has been fixed.
- An issue where Mailbox Auditing report failed to fetch data when the result size reached above 250,000 has been fixed.
- An issue where the log archiving status was displayed incorrectly has been fixed.
- An issue where the EDB path was not getting updated has been fixed.
- An issue where users were unable to view audit data for the Exchange Online module has been fixed. This issue appeared only in Exchange Reporter Plus instances that are configured to use a database for storing data.
- An issue that caused the failure of content search in certain scenarios has been fixed.
- An issue where Distribution Members report showed incorrect data has been fixed.
- An issue while changing the database with ChangeDB.bat has been fixed.
- An issue where unauthorized access was being displayed in all dashboards when logged in as an AD user has been fixed.
- An issue with exporting Mailbox Size Growth report has been fixed.
Build 5713
MajorFixesReleased on Sep 15, 2023
- Exchange migration: You can now migrate emails, contacts, calendars, and tasks from on-premises Exchange mailbox to an Exchange Online environment. When migrating, you can choose to migrate to an existing Exchange Online mailbox or create a new one.
Issue Fixes:
- A security vulnerability that led to the visibility of the product database's password encryption key, as reported by Evan through our bug bounty program, has been fixed.
- Three vulnerable JARs (postgresql-42.2.18.jar, snakeyaml-1.33.jar, and xmlbeans-2.6.0.jar) have been upgraded to their respective fixed versions.
Build 5712
EnhancementsFixesReleased on Aug 28, 2023
- Exchange Server Content Search feature will no longer require a mailbox-enabled service account for data collection.
Issue Fixes:
- An issue which prevented the addition of an Exchange server under audit configuration in specific environments has been fixed.
- An issue which caused traffic reports to fail when there were large number of distribution group members has been fixed.
- An issue of displaying user SID instead of the display name in permission-based reports in trusted environments has been fixed.
- An issue which caused product update failure due to Elasticsearch process running in the background.
- An issue which caused Content Search failure while using the product with regional languages like Chinese and Arabic has been fixed.
- An issue with installation of EWSManagedApi.msi has been fixed.
- An issue in Mail Traffic Gathering feature which lead to high memory consumption has been fixed.
- An issue in Exchange Online Troubleshoot feature which prevented users from checking permissions has been fixed.
Build 5711
MajorEnhancementsFixesReleased on Jul 13, 2023
- Content search for Exchange Online: Now search for specific content across the mailboxes and folders in your Exchange Online tenant. Configure the search criteria based on various attributes, keywords, and patterns for instant search, and even create custom search profiles to meet your legal or compliance goals.
- To improve performance and usability, an Enable/Disable option has been added for the Monitoring feature.
- An option to skip alerts and mails related to Security Hardening has been added.
- The process of copying audit data from file to database has been improved.
- The Support tab now supports Premium Support feature.
Issue fixes:
- The issue of Mailbox Enabled Users report showing disabled mailboxes has been fixed.
- The issue of Content Search feature not working when mails have multiple attachments has been fixed.
- The issue of not being able to apply SSL certificate to Exchange Reporter Plus from Log360 has been fixed.
- The issue of Mailbox Account Properties task not collecting data has been fixed.
- The issue of being unable to access report via the Top 10 Servers by CPU Utilization and Top 10 Servers by Memory Utilization widgets in the Monitoring dashboard has been fixed.
- The issue of data inconsistency in ActiveSync Reports has been fixed.
- The issue of not showing all users in the user/group filter of Permissions Based on Users report has been fixed.
- The issue of delegate activity not being mapped as a non-owner activity has been fixed.
- The issue in Failed OWA Logs task leading to high memory consumption has been fixed.
- The issue of data collection progress not being shown in reports after user switches tabs has been fixed.
- The issue of EWS not working in Exchange 2019 servers due to TLS 1.2 has been fixed.
- The issue in updating URL settings in some environments has been fixed.
- Elasticsearch-sql-cli-6.5.4 JAR file which is suspected to be vulnerable has been removed.
Build 5710
FixesReleased on Jun 21, 2023
Issue fix:
- A two-factor authentication bypass vulnerability (CVE-2023-35785) reported by dalt4sec through our bug bounty program has been fixed.
Build 5709
MajorEnhancementsFixesReleased on Apr 18, 2023
- Troubleshooting: Users can now check and troubleshoot the issues in their network connection, URL endpoints connection, Exchange session creation and authentication, and permissions required by the Azure AD application and service account from the product's Tenant Settings option.
- The Distribution List Membership task has been removed from the Task Scheduling feature and the data for it will now be collected through the Essential Data Gathering task.
- The performance of the Mailbox Permission, distribution list membership and Essential Data Gathering data collection has been improved with the implementation of DeltaSync.
- Date filter has been added for the following Exchange Online log-based reports:
- Undelivered Emails
- Emails to Invalid Address
- Failed Emails Due to Size
Issues fixed:
- The issue of Email Traffic report logs not being visible post product update to 5708 build due to the Elasticsearch configuration issue has been fixed.
- The issue with some filters in the License Management setting has been fixed.
- The issue of service pack failure has been fixed.
- The issue of the OWA Logs task sometimes failing with null error has been fixed.
- The issue of false downtime notification from the product has been fixed.
- The issue of being unable to view modified attributes in the Send and Receive Connector audit report has been fixed.
- The issue of Mailbox Size Report Usage showing more than 100% has been fixed.
- The issue of client info data parsing in Exchange Online audit has been fixed.
- The issue in Exchange Online audit data collection when an authenticated proxy is configured in the product has been fixed.
- The issue of hashed values being found in the Daily Usage Reports even after changing the privacy settings in the Microsoft portal has been fixed.
- The issue of not being able to connect to Exchange Online module in the Azure US tenant has been fixed.
- The issue of the daily activities reports not being generated when a proxy server with authentication is configured in the product has been fixed.
- The issue of not being able to update the Exchange URI settings has been fixed.
- The Active Mobile Devices report not generating due to Microsoft API internal error in certain cases has been fixed.
- Excluded deleted objects from showing in the GUI for the following reports:
- Inactive DL by Last Mail Activity
- Inactive DL by Last Sent Mail
- Inactive DL by Last Received Mail
- The Issue in navigating to other pages in the Email Traffic reports data after selecting external domains or users to narrow down the result has been fixed.
Build 5708
EnhancementsFixesReleased on Jan 10, 2023
- Eight reports have been added under the new report categories Outlook General reports and Outlook Department reports:
- Outlook General reports:
- Access by Users
- Outlook Version-based Access
- Client IP-based Access
- Server-based Access
- Access Specifics
- Outlook Department reports:
- Access Count per Department
- Access Count for Users of a Department
- Access Specifics for Users of a Department
- Two new reports have been added.
- Dynamic Distribution List report: Shows all the dynamic distribution lists and their details, including their creation dates.
- Folder-wise Read Mails with Subject report: Shows the total number of read emails in each folder along with their subjects.
- Scheduled reports can now be copied. Instead of creating a new schedule every time, a schedule can be copied and criteria can be changed accordingly.
- Mailbox Display name has been added in the Appointments Report popup.
- New EWS URL Customization feature allows you to defines the EWS connection endpoint of your Exchange server. If left empty, default EWS URL will be used.
- New default filters have been added in general Distribution Lists reports.
- Delta Sync support has been extended to mobile device reports to improve the product's performance by fetching only incremental changes.
- Exchange Online PowerShell v3 module is now used to improve PowerShell-based data collection.
- RestAPI (Management API) along with PowerShell scripting is now used to collect audit logs from Exchange Online.
- Organizational Unit column has been added in all the Distribution Lists reports.
- Add/Remove column options has been added in the Distribution List Members report.
- Last mail Sent On column has been added in the Inactive Distribution Lists and Distribution Lists reports.
- Senders column has been added in the Message Delivery Restrictions report.
Issues fixed:
- The issue of %NAME% macro in monitoring alert of HubTransport Health has been fixed.
- The issue in License Management Criteria has been fixed.
- The issue in scheduled report creation and editing has been fixed.
- The issue of Custom Attributes not handled in ADSync has been fixed.
- The issue of inactive distribution list calculating only primary SMTP address instead of all SMTP address of group has been fixed.
- The issue of bulk room-mailbox data generation in Appointments reports has been fixed.
- The issue of Internal Mail Domains duplicates has been fixed.
- The issue of a few mailboxes not being displayed even though they are managed has been fixed.
- The issue of users being unable to update service account password with special characters has been fixed.
- The issue of reports not being generated when MS SQL is used as the product database has been fixed.
- The failure to generate REST API reports that support delta sync when the deltaLink has expired, i.e., 30 days since a report was last generated, has been fixed.
- The issue of deleted mobile devices details being shown in the Mobile Devices report has been fixed.
- The issue in updating a service account when quotes are used as special characters in the service account password has been fixed.
- The issue in updating Rest API permissions for some customer environments has been fixed.
- The issue of missing Secret key in Azure AD application during automatic tenant configuration has been fixed.
- The issue of the HasActiveSyncDevicePartnership filter in the Active Mobile Devices report has been fixed.
- The issue of Permission based on Distribution Groups report's data not being shown has been fixed.
Build 5707
FixesReleased on Nov 01, 2022
Issues fixed:
- An RCE vulnerability found during installation has been fixed.
- An XSS vulnerability found in Select AD Technician feature has been fixed.
- The issue of Exchange Reporter Plus not being installed if the customer has ADAudit Plus installed has been fixed.
Build 5706
EnhancementsFixesReleased on Oct 21, 2022
- Now centrally manage Exchange Reporter Plus' technicians from ManageEngine Log360 console when the two solutions are integrated.
Issues fixed:
- The issue of Current Mailbox size Vs Quota report showing error during scheduling has been fixed.
- The issue of some attributes in mailbox reports not being updated has been fixed.
- The length of the ActiveSync Device IMEI number attribute has been increased.
- The vulnerable old Log4j JARs have been removed.
Build 5705
EnhancementsFixesReleased on Jul 27, 2022
- Security enhancement has been made to improve the ease of access and security of the product.
Issues fixed:
- The issue of mismatch in the count of Folder-wise Unread Mails with Subject report has been fixed.
- The issue of report scheduler failing to send the Exchange Online reports to the specified email addresses has been fixed.
- The issue of Out of Memory Exception error occurring when starting up the product as a Windows service has been fixed.
- The issue of Access Denied error occurring for technicians when logging in if only audit permissions is delegated has been fixed.
- Some vulnerability issues have been fixed.
Build 5704
FixesReleased on Jul 6, 2022
Issues fixed:
- The issue of missing data in Mailbox Size report in product instances configured with MS SQL database has been fixed.
- The issue of not being able to update the product in some cases has been fixed.
Build 5703
EnhancementsFixesReleased on May 16, 2022
- We have improved the completion time for the Essential Data Gathering task (ADSync).
Issue Fixed:
- Operators' ability to view details of organization(s) not delegated to them and their access to unprivileged URLs has been restricted.
- Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities that occurred in a few cases have been fixed.
- Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) issue that occurred for a few URLs has been fixed.
- Exchange search monitoring profile that failed to collect data for certain Exchange environments has been fixed.
- ActiveSync device details data collection issue has been fixed.
- Decimal format issue in traffic size reports for different locales has been fixed.
- Mailbox with Delegates report showing data for Send As column even when there are no mailboxes delegated has been fixed.
- Schedule reports mail notification failing for Mail server TLS connection has been fixed.
Build 5702
EnhancementsFixesReleased on Mar 28, 2022
New Admin audit reports: Seven new Exchange Server audit reports have been added under the Admin audit log category:
- Mailboxes Activated: This report gives information about the mailboxes that have been enabled, when and by whom.
- Mailboxes Deactivated: This report gives information about the mailboxes that have been disabled, when and by whom.
- Exchange Databases Mounted: This report helps you track database mounting related changes.
- Exchange Databases Dismounted: This report helps you track database dismounting related changes.
- User Actions On Exchange Databases: This audit report lists all the changes performed on Exchange databases by users in your organization.
- Mailbox Send As Permission Changes: This report logs all information about the changes made to the mailbox Send As permissions.
- Message Size Restriction Changes: This report helps you track the changes made in the send and receive mail size defined for all mailboxes in your organization.
Issues fixed:
- The Log4j 2.17.0 file used in Exchange Reporter Plus has been updated to 2.17.1 to fix a RCE vulnerability.
- Few other functional issues have been fixed.
Build 5701
EnhancementsFixesReleased on Feb 9, 2022
- Reports scheduling: Options to enable users schedule multiple reports simultaneously, view the history of individual schedules, and check details such as the schedule owner, run time, and status.
- A new task named Basic mailbox permission has been created to run automatically after product installation, to fetch data for mailbox permission reports.
- Data gathering speed has been enhanced for the Mailbox Account Properties task and a few reports.
Issues fixed:
- Concerns raised about the multiple login attempts made to fetch traffic logs have been fixed.
- Data generation issue in the Last Mail Received On field of Distribution Lists report has been fixed.
- The issue with forcing TLSv1.2 using server.xml has been fixed.
Default product installation directory path has been changed from C:\ManageEngine\Exchange Reporter Plus to C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\Exchange Reporter Plus.
Build 5700
MajorFixesReleased on Dec 24, 2021
Security Hardening: Now access all the important security-related settings that you must configure to protect Exchange Reporter Plus from security attacks under a single tab. Also, get alerts after every login if any of the important security settings are yet to be enabled.
The options provided under this tab help you:
- Mandate HTTPS communication between browser and Exchange Reporter Plus by default.
- Enforce default admin password reset.
- Enforce two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security during user logins.
- Establish secure LDAP connection between the Exchange Reporter Plus and Active Directory.
- Enforce GDPR compliance.
MySQL support has been stopped for Exchange Reporter Plus from build 5700. If you are using Exchange Reporter Plus with MySQL, you must migrate to PostgreSQL or MS SQL database first, to be able to update to the recent build.
Log4j vulnerability:
- To prevent the DOS vulnerability (CVE-2021-45105) in Log4j version 2.16.0, we have updated the JAR file to 2.17.0.
Issues fixed:
- Delayed product startup issue has been fixed.
- The average calculation issue in email traffic reports has been fixed.
- The loading time for email traffic reports has been reduced.
- Few other vulnerabilities have been fixed.
Build 5616
MajorReleased on Dec 20, 2021
Fix for Log4j vulnerability
- Exchange Reporter Plus builds 5614 and below used version 2.11.1 of Log4j. To prevent the RCE (CVE-2021-44228) and DOS (CVE-2021-45046) vulnerabilities, we have upgraded Log4j JAR to version 2.16.0, and have removed the JndiLookup class from Log4j JAR's classpath.
Build 5614
EnhancementsReleased on Oct 8, 2021
- The product URLs have been validated to prevent unauthenticated users from accessing the tool.
Build 5613
FixesReleased on Sep 30, 2021
Issues fixed:
- A post authentication vulnerability affecting one of the REST API URLs in the product has been fixed.
- Product accessibility issues that occurred after the recent build update have been fixed.
Build 5612
FixesReleased on Sep 14, 2021
Issues fixed:
- A vulnerability which permitted upload of arbitrary files via some file upload endpoints has been fixed by permitting only the desired file formats.
Build 5611
MajorFixesReleased on Sep 9, 2021
- Elasticsearch for email traffic reports: All email traffic reports can now be fetched using Elasticsearch option that helps increase the data collection speed.
Note: This feature will not be available if you update to 5611 using the service pack. You must install a fresh build. Please contact for assistance.
Issues fixed:
- Scheduling issue in the Folder-wise Unread Mails with Subject report has been fixed.
- Data collection issue in Exchange Online Inactive Distribution Lists report has been fixed.
- An authentication bypass vulnerability affecting some of the REST API URLs has been fixed.
Build 5610
FixesReleased on Jul 29, 2021
Issues fixed:
- A few vulnerabilities have been fixed.
Build 5609
MajorFixesReleased on Jul 5, 2021
- Track public folder creation and deletion in Exchange Servers: A new report has been added under the Advanced Audit category to track when, where and by whom a public folder was created or deleted.
Issues fixed:
- Login screen repeated reloading issue during product startup has been fixed.
- MySQL to PostgreSQL migration issue has been fixed.
- Vulnerability issues have been fixed.
Build 5608
FixesReleased on May 20, 2021
Issues fixed:
The following issues have been fixed.
- Issue in recognizing previously configured tenants when the build is updated. The tenants could not be viewed in the Tenants page or Exchange Online reports. However, the same tenants were listed in the License Management page.
- Email Queue Health monitoring report configuration page not showing Exchange Server 2019.
- The glitch in cursors when email ID filter is used in the Sent Traffic for Users report.
- Trouble in loading the second page of results when licenses are filtered based on Database/OU.
- Issue faced while applying filters based on Inactive Mailboxes by last received and Department Name in the License Management module.
- The occasional difficulty in viewing Exchange Online audit reports.
- Issue in showing custom mailbox folders in Mailbox Folder Permission Type reports.
Build 5607
MajorReleased on Apr 9, 2021
Build 5606
EnhancementsFixesReleased on Mar 3, 2021
- Supports secured communication using an SSL connection for MS SQL database.
- You can now delegate permission to the users to create new mail notification template while scheduling Exchange Online reports.
Issues fixed:
- Users who updated Exchange Reporter Plus build 5511 to the later versions shall no longer face any issues while exporting Sent Traffic for Users and Received Traffic for Users reports.
- Issue that occurred in the Number of Messages Sent and Received report while using MS SQL database has been fixed.
- Error that occurred while adding an Exchange Online tenant to the product, due to the rebranding of Office 365 to Microsoft 365 has been fixed.
Build 5605
EnhancementsFixesReleased on Jan 7, 2021
- Users can now include all folders except the default ones in one go, while creating custom reports, using the other custom folders option.
Issues fixed:
- The SSL connectivity issue that occurred on updating to build 5600 or above has been fixed.
- Issue in configuring the log forwarder has been fixed.
- The issues in content search, on migrating the product database have been fixed.
Build 5604
FixesReleased on Dec 30, 2020
Issues fixed:
- Minor bugs fixes have been rolled out.
Build 5603
MajorFixesReleased on Nov 27, 2020
Exchange mailbox content search
- Search for specific content in email subject, body and attachments across all or specific mailboxes in your Exchange organization.
- Use attributes, keywords and pattern-based search to track information like bank account numbers and card details.
- Create custom search profiles and set gathering interval to automate content search.
Issues fixed:
- MySQL to MS SQL database migration issue has been fixed.
- Exchange Online dashboard issue faced by technician delegates has been fixed.
Build 5602
EnhancementsReleased on Nov 6, 2020
- METracker milestone upgraded
Build 5601
MajorEnhancementsReleased on Oct 26, 2020
New Reports:
Exchange Reporter Plus has added six new reports for Exchange Online.
- Daily Email Activities Count by Type
- Daily Unique User Count by Email Activity
- Daily Active Mailbox Count
- Daily Mailbox Count by Storage Quota Status
- Daily Mailbox Storage Used
- Daily Unique User Count by Email App
- Enhanced product performance while exporting reports as CSV files.
Build 5600
MajorEnhancementsReleased on Sep 30, 2020
Two-factor authentication for admin and technician logins
You can now secure logins with two-factor authentication (TFA) using any of these methods:
- Email verification,
- SMS verification,
- Google authentication,
- DUO security authentication,
- RADIUS authentication.
- Exchange Reporter Plus' inbuilt PostgreSQL database version has been upgraded. Please note that this database version (10.12) will be available only for fresh installations.
Build 5515
MajorEnhancementsFixesReleased on Sep 3, 2020
New Reports:
Two new reports have been added to the Advanced Audit Reports category.
- Distribution Group Changes Report - Tracks the changes made to the distribution groups in your Exchange Server.
- Distribution Group Membership Changes Report - Tracks addition or deletion of members to the distribution groups.
- Hourly data collection task has been added for OWA reports.
- sAMAccountName column has been added in the Distribution Lists and Inactive Distribution Lists reports.
- On encountering connectivity issues, priority will be given to the easily reachable Exchange servers to establish PowerShell sessions for monitoring.
Issues fixed:
- Help desk technician deletion issue and license management issue have been fixed.
- Checkbox selection issue fixed for Internet Explorer.
- The browser-default language setting issue has been fixed.
- The error that occurred while exporting reports with huge data has been fixed.
Build 5514
FixesReleased on Aug 18, 2020
Issue Fix:
- The wrapper version mismatch issue has been fixed.
Build 5513
MajorMajorReleased on Aug 8, 2020
Customizable Dashboard:
With the new dashboard customization option you can,
- Add custom tabs to view Exchange server, Exchange Online and Skype server data for different organizations and period. You can also rename and reorder the tabs at any time.
- Add new widgets to the tabs. Edit, rearrange and resize them as required. Get full-screen view of the dashboards with dark mode and slideshow options.
- Convert graphical widgets to data tables, and choose from different graph types such as pie, bar, column, donut, area and line graphs with custom colors.
- Pin graphs directly from the reports to the custom dashboards and manage technicians' permissions over the dashboards easily.
New Reports:
Get more insights into Exchange Online permissions with these four new reports:
- Mailbox Permissions
- Shared Mailbox Permissions
- Public Folder Permissions
- Calendar Folder Permissions
Build 5512
FixesReleased on Jul 24, 2020
Issues fixed:
- Various vulnerability issues including privilege escalation, CSRF security token handling and XSS issues have been fixed.
Build 5511
MajorEnhancementsReleased on Jun 12, 2020
New reports:
Exchange Reporter Plus has added 21 new reports. The newly added categories and the respective list of reports are as follows,
- Mailbox Traffic Report
- Number of Messages by Sender Based on Recipient Status.
- Distribution Lists Traffic Reports
- Number of Messages Sent by Distribution Group.
- Size of Messages Sent by Distribution Group.
- Number of Messages Sent by Distribution Group Based on Recipient Status.
- Number of Messages Received by Distribution Group.
- Size of Messages Received by Distribution Group.
- Sent Traffic for Distribution Groups.
- Received Traffic for Distribution Groups.
- Number of Messages Sent and Received.
- Organizational Unit Traffic Reports
- Number of Messages Sent by Organizational Unit.
- Size of Messages Sent by Organizational Unit.
- Number of Messages Sent by Organizational Unit based on Recipient Status.
- Number of Messages Received by Organizational Unit.
- Size of Messages Received by Organizational Unit.
- Number of Messages Sent And Received.
- Group Traffic Reportss
- Number of Messages Sent by Group.
- Size of Messages Sent by Group.
- Number of Messages Sent by Group Based on Recipient Status.
- Number of Messages Received by Group.
- Size of Messages Received by Group.
- Number of Messages Sent And Received.
- In Sent Traffic for Users report data can be filtered based on the Recipient Status.
Build 5510
EnhancementsFixesReleased on May 16, 2020
- Users can now use LDAPS to secure all communications between Exchange Reporter Plus and Active Directory.
- Public Folder Replicas report generation speed has been enhanced.
Issues fixed:
The following issues have been fixed,
- The CVE-2020-24786 vulnerability, which allowed unauthenticated changes to the integration system's configuration, as reported by Florian Hauser, has been fixed.
- Issue in selecting folders in Folder Message Count and Size report.
- Issue in fetching data on SendAs property in Mailbox Delegates report.
- Issue in applying ManageEngine Log360 license.
- Issue in scheduling Traffic Logs gathering task when the log path contains non-English characters.
- Issue in establishing remote PowerShell connection with Skype for Business servers.
- Issue in scheduling license management tasks for a huge number of mailboxes in Exchange Reporter Plus.
- Daylight saving time zone issue in the alerts module of Exchange Reporter Plus.
Build 5504
EnhancementsFixesReleased on Mar 19, 2020
- Reports scheduled by technicians can now be password protected.
Issues Fixed:
- Some minor issues have been fixed.
Build 5503
MajorEnhancementsFixesReleased on Mar 11, 2020
- Help desk delegation: Admins can now create roles with selected tasks and delegate them to technicians in addition to the default Operator role.
- Technician activity auditing: Built-in reports have been added to audit Exchange Reporter Plus technician activities.
- Capability has been added to allow technicians change their password on their own.
Bug fix:
The following issue has been fixed,
- Issue faced while selecting the server name in the monitoring dashboard of Exchange Reporter Plus.
Build 5502
MajorFixesReleased on Feb 14, 2020
- Custom audit reports: Users can now create rules to customize the actions to be audited by Exchange Reporter Plus. These custom actions can be used to generate new audit reports.
- Two new audit reports: Exchange Reporter Plus has added two new reports to audit mailbox import and export requests respectively.
Issues fixed:
The following issues have been fixed,
- Issue in showing the last logon time for never signed in mailboxes and delegated technicians in the Inactive Mailboxes by Last Logon Time report.
- Data missing issue in Mailbox Features report.
- Issue faced by delegated technicians in viewing Exchange Online dashboard and reports.
Build 5501
MajorEnhancementsFixesReleased on Dec 24, 2019
- Log forwarder: Exchange Reporter Plus now allows you to forward Exchange Server and Exchange Online audit logs to SIEM solutions such as Splunk and ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer.
- Language support: Exchange Reporter Plus is now available in Chinese.
- Permissions on Distribution Group report: This new Exchange Server report shows details on who has permission to which group has been added.
- New Exchange Online audit reports: Exchange Reporter Plus now audits 26 new actions on Exchange Online mailboxes which include changes to mailbox audit settings, client access settings, litigation hold settings, and
- Enabled Litigation Hold
- Disabled Litigation Hold
- Enabled Moderation
- Disabled Moderation
- Enabled Archive
- Disabled Archive
- Enabled Active Sync
- Disabled Active Sync
- Enabled EWS
- Disabled EWS
- Enabled IMAP
- Disabled IMAP
- Enabled OWA
- Disabled OWA
- Enabled POP
- Disabled POP
- Enabled Universal Outlook
- Disabled Universal Outlook
- Enabled Outlook Mobile
- Disabled Outlook Mobile
- Advanced audit and alert filters: Configure Exchange Online audit and alert profiles to fetch granular data based on event properties and business hours.
- Property-based filter: Filter audit logs based on time, actor, target, result, IP address, and other properties of an event
- Business hours-based filter: Configure business hours in the tool to filter audit logs based on it. Create alerts for critical actions happening in Exchnage Online during business or non-business hours, as required.
- Enhanced license management: While creating schedulers for automatic license management admins can now narrow down users based on custom attributes and additional new attributes.
- Custom display name: Admins can now edit the default display names of Exchange and Skype servers configured with Exchange Reporter Plus.
- Inactive reports: Technicians can now specify custom period of inactivity for reports like Inactive Mailboxes, Inactive Distribution Lists, Inactive ActiveSync Devices, and other inactivity based reports.
Issue Fix:
- Issue faced by delegated technicians in viewing Exchange Online reports has been fixed.
Build 5500
MajorReleased on Oct 11, 2019
- Exchange Online dashboard: A new dashboard with graphical widgets exclusively for Exchange Online reports has been added to the tool's home page.
- Global search: Easily locate Exchange Server, Exchange Online, and Skype for Business general, audit, and monitoring reports, product settings, and anything across Exchange Reporter Plus from a single search box.
- Categorize favorite reports: Create categories while adding reports to the My Reports section for easy reference.
Build 5423
FixesReleased on Sep 20, 2019
Issues Fixed:
The following issues have been fixed,
- Missing attachment issue in Mailbox Permission Change email alerts.
- No data issue in Disk Usage widget in Dashboard.
Build 5422
MajorEnhancementsFixesReleased on Sep 9, 2019
New reports:
Health and connectivity monitoring for Exchange Server versions 2013 and above has been improved with these eight new reports:
- Web Service Connectivity - Shows details about the Exchange Web Services (EWS) connectivity test results.
- ECP Connectivity - Shows details about the Exchange Control Panel connectivity test results.
- POP Connectivity - Shows details about the Exchange POP3 service connectivity test results.
- IMAP Connectivity - Shows details about the Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service connectivity test results.
- ActiveSync Connectivity - Shows details about the Microsoft ExchangeActiveSync connectivity test results.
- Store Health - Shows the health details of Exchange server databases.
- Mailbox Space Health - Shows the details of space consumed by Exchange mailboxes.
- HubTransport Health - Shows details about the health of the transport pipeline of mailbox servers.
- Mailbox Size, Mailbox Database Size, and Public Folder Database Size reports can now be generated every 30 minutes instead of 1 day.
Issues Fixed:
The following issues have been fixed,
- Issue in Server Storage Usage dashboard.
- Issue in report scheduling.
- Data mismatch issue in CPU Utilization report.
Build 5421
MajorFixesReleased on Aug 1, 2019
- Exchange Reporter Plus now supports all standard time zones in addition to GMT.
- Technicians can now choose the timezone of their own.
Issues Fixed:
- Issue in displaying non-English folder names in Mails deleted or Moved Report
- Inconsistent data issue in Overall Traffic From/To Internet Reports
- Audit data gathering issue faced due to time zone difference.
Build 5420
MajorReleased on Jul, 10, 2019
- Exchange Server 2019 support: Exchange Reporter Plus now audits, monitors, and reports on Exchange Server 2019.
- Advanced IIS logging: Supports IIS log parsing to identify the actual source IP address behind a given proxy server.
- SMS notification: In addition to email, you can now receive audit and monitoring profile alerts via SMS.
Build 5415
MajorFixesReleased on May 29, 2019
- MySQL Migration Support: Exchange Reporter Plus now supports MySQL to PostgreSQL migration.
Issues Fixed:
The following issues have been fixed,
- Inconsistent data issue in Email Response Time report.
- Issue in fetching Public Folder report data.
Build 5414
MajorEnhancementsFixesReleased on Mar 27, 2019
- Distribution List Audit reports: Two new audit reports on distribution lists have been added.
- Distribution Lists Created and Deleted: Provides audit details on the distribution lists created, and deleted in the Exchange environment.
- Distribution List Members Added and Removed: Gives audit details on the members added/removed from distribution lists.
- Traffic and OWA reports can now be archived.
- The mail traffic reports now show the details of emails sent and received using secondary email addresses.
- Distribution List Members report provides details on the list of members for multiple groups.
- Select All option has been included in Permissions Based on Mailboxes report to choose all the mailboxes in a single click.
- Admins can now set up their own passwords to protect the exported reports..
- Mailbox Folder Permissions report now provides details on sub-folder level permissions.
Issues fixed:
- The error in IE version details in the Logon Specifics report has been fixed.
- MSSQL connection issue faced in machines using NTLMv2 authentication protocol has been fixed.
Build 5413
MajorEnhancementsReleased on Jan 12, 2019
Exchange Reporter Plus has added 19 new reports on Exchange Online, and 1 new report on Exchange on-premise.
New Exchange Online Reports:
The following 19 reports have been added under the respective categories.
General Mailbox Reports
- Archive Disabled Mailboxes - Lists the mailboxes for which archiving is disabled.
- Mailboxes without Forward To - Lists the mailboxes for which mail forwarding is disabled.
- Mailboxes with External Mail Forwarding - Provides the list of mailboxes for which mail forwarding is configured to external domains.
- Mailboxes with Internal Mail Forwarding - Provides the list of mailboxes for which mail forwarding is configured to internal domains.
- Users without Photo - Lists the users who don't have a display picture.
- Migration Users - Provides details on migration status of users.
- ActiveSync Enabled Mailboxes - Lists the mailboxes which are allowed to sync with mobile devices with ActiveSync protocol.
Account Status Reports
- Users with Send As Permission - Provides the list of users with Send As permission.
- Users with Send On Behalf Permission - Provides the list of users with Send On Behalf permission.
Content Reports
- Mailbox Folder Statistics(Folder Message Count and Size) - Shows all folder related details of mailboxes including folder type, folder path, message count folder size, and more.
- Inbox Rules - Lists the inbox rules created by users, and its details.
- Mailboxes without Inbox Rule - Shows the list of mailboxes for which no inbox rule has been configured.
- Transport Rule List - Shows the list of transport rules, and details on changes made to them.
- Sweep Rules - Lists mailboxes with sweep rules, and their details.
- Mailboxes without Sweep Rules - Lists mailboxes without sweep rules, and their details.
- Mailbox Message Configuration by User - Lists all the mailboxes with details on their message settings.
- Mailbox Junk Configuration - Lists all mailboxes with details on their junk email filter settings.
- Auto-empty Deleted Items Folder Enabled Mailboxes - Lists all mailboxes with the option to auto-empty deleted items folder enabled.
Mail Traffic Reports
- Quarantined Messages - provides details on messages quarantined in your Exchange Online environment.
New Exchange On-Premise Report:
The following report has been added under the Mailbox Database Reports category
- White Space - Provides details on whitespace available in Exchange database that can be reused.
- 'Select All' option has been included to generate reports for all the mailboxes in one go.
Build 5412
EnhancementsFixesReleased on Dec 20, 2018
- Exchange Reporter Plus now supports MSSQL cluster environment as back-end database.
Build 5411
FixesReleased on Nov 20, 2018
Build 5410
MajorEnhancementsFixesReleased on Sep 18, 2018
- Exchange Reporter Plus now provides two custom reports which give information on the unread emails in each folder along with its subject.
- An OU canonical name column has been added in the Mailbox Size by OU report.
Issues Fixed:
- Authentication issue in data collection for Skype for Business servers is fixed.
- Issue with managing all licenses at once is fixed.
- Issue with scheduling Organization Traffic Summary reports is fixed.
Build 5402
EnhancementsFixesReleased on Aug 16, 2018
- Option to encrypt keystore password while configuring SSL (HTTPs).
Issues Fixed:
- Issue where graphs were not included in reports exported in PDF and HTML formats is now fixed.
- Authentication issue in configuring the Skype for Business Server is fixed.
- Various other bug fixes.
Build 5401
FixesReleased on Aug 1, 2018
Build 5400
MajorEnhancementsFixesReleased on Jul, 20, 2018
- Skype for Business Server reporting: Exchange Reporter Plus now provides granular reports on audio/video calls, conferences, file transfers, instant messaging (IM) users, and so much more.
- License Management has been enhanced and now supports filtering based on databases, servers, hidden mailbox, and more.
- The sAMAccountName attribute can now be viewed in the following reports:
- Inactive Mailboxes by Last Sent Mail
- Inactive Mailboxes by Last Received Mail
- Inactive Mailboxes by Last Logon Time
- Mailbox Size
- The email addresses of users can now be viewed in the following reports:
- ActiveSync Device Details
- ActiveSync User's Device Summary
Build 5311
FixesReleased on Jun 28, 2018
Issues Fixed:
- Vulnerability fix : Remote code execution through Exchange Reporter Plus has been fixed now
Build 5310
MajorReleased on Jun 13, 2018
- Exchange Reporter Plus now allows you to add custom attributes from the extended AD schema to get more details from its reports.
Build 5301
EnhancementsReleased on May 23, 2018
Exchange Reporter Plus now allows you to:
- Password-protect exported data.
- Audit technician activity to view the reports exported and the time at which they were exported.
- Provide controlled access for delegated roles.
- Mask important data such as storage paths and IP addresses.
- Send password expiration notifications to make administrator account users change their passwords every 45 days.
- Enforce password complexity.
Build 5300
MajorFixesReleased on Apr, 30, 2018
Exchange Reporter Plus now includes the following two reports that track permission changes under the Folder Access Permissions changes category.
- Mailbox Folder Permission Changes
- Public Folder Permission Changes
Build 5216
MajorReleased on Mar, 2018
- Exchange Reporter Plus can now be integrated with Log360, a log management and Active Directory auditing solution.
Build 5215
EnhancementsFixesReleased on Mar, 2018
- Data for the Appointments report under Custom Reports category can now be gathered for next 180 days.
- Public Folder Properties Task has been enhanced.
Issues Fixed:
- Issues with filter in alerts has been fixed.
- Various other bug fixes.
Build 5214
FixesReleased on Mar, 2018
Issues Fixed:
- Performance issues have been resolved.
- Various other bug fixes.
Build 5213
EnhancementsFixesReleased on Mar, 2018
- Run scheduled data gathering tasks immediately using the Run Now button.
- View disk usage status in the Monitoring dashboard based on threshold values you set.
Issues Fixed:
- Data gathering issue with Mailbox Size reports has been resolved.
- Vulnerability fixes
- Various other bug fixes.
Build 5212
FixesReleased on Feb, 2018
Build 5211
FixesReleased onFeb, 2018
Build 5210
MajorEnhancementsFixesReleased onJan, 2018
- DAG monitoring and auditing: Exchange Reporter Plus adds the capability to monitor DAG health and activation preference, and also audit DAG failovers.
- The CPU Utilization monitoring report has been improved for better performance, and reduced usage of memory (RAM and storage) in the server where the product is installed.
Issues Fixed:
- It is now possible to locate the mailboxes that are monitored through Exchange Reporter Plus using their email address.
- Various other bug fixes.
Build 5207
FixesReleased onNov, 2017
Build 5203
FixesReleased on Oct, 2017
Issues Fixed:
- Cache Issue has been fixed.
- Various other bug fixes.
Build 5202
FixesReleased on Sep, 2017
Issues Fixed:
- Mail Server Settings issue has been fixed.
- Various other bug fixes.
Build 5201
FixesReleased on Sep, 2017
Issues Fixed:
- Issue with SMTP Authentication in Mail Server Settings has been fixed.
- Various other bug fixes.
Build 5200
MajorEnhancementsFixesReleased on Sep, 2017
- Exchange Online reporting and auditing: Exchange Reporter Plus now allows reporting and auditing of all aspects of Exchange Online.
- Arabic language support: Exchange Reporter Plus is now available in Arabic.
- Distribution groups' message delivery restrictions: The Distribution Lists reports now allow you to view each group's message delivery restrictions.
- Equipment mailbox details: A new report on equipment mailboxes has been added to the Resource Mailbox reports category.
- Reports can now be exported in CSV and PDF formats in a faster manner.
- Personalize Exchange Reporter Plus by replacing its logo with your organization's.
- The Distribution Lists report now displays the email proxy used.
- The Recently Created Mailboxes report now displays the department name of the mailbox owner.
- The Contact reports now display the creation time of contacts.
- You can now also view future appointments in the Room Mailbox Appointments report.
- The Room Mailbox Details report now includes information such as the city and country of the conference room.
Issues Fixed:
- IE browser issue in archive configuration is fixed.
- Various other bug fixes.
Build 5182
FixesReleased on Jul, 2017
Build 5181
MajorReleased on Jun, 2017
- Email traffic by business and non-business hours: The email traffic reports now offer a filter to refine the results based on both business and non-business hours.
Build 5180
MajorEnhancementsReleased on Jun, 2017
- Flat UI: Exchange Reporter Plus now sports a minimal, flat user interface, with simple graphics and layouts.
- Column addition and removal in reports can now be done from the same window and the columns can be re-arranged using drag and drop actions.
Build 5178
FixesReleased on May, 2017
Build 5177
MajorEnhancementsFixesReleased on Apr, 2017
- Email Delivery Time Reports: The email traffic reports category includes the following new reports on delivery time related details of emails.
- Delivery time by user – Displays the email delivery time (in milliseconds).
- Delivery time between users - Shows parameters such as average delivery time, maximum delivery time for emails.
- License Expiry Notification: This feature allows Exchange Reporter Plus to send a weekly email to the user(s) to notify license expiry from 15 days prior to the expiry until 35 days after expiry.
- Failed OWA schedule: Hourly data gathering schedule has been enabled for reporting failed OWA logon.
- Admin Audit Log 2016 CU3: Admin audit log data collection is now performed in Exchange 2016 CU3 and above.
- Exchange Reporter Plus now supports non-English languages in MSSQL.
Issues Fixed:
- Home graph navigation issue resolved.
- Permission changes report in Audit tab no longer throw new value/old value pop up.
- Various other bug fixes.
Build 5176
MajorReleased on Apr, 2017
Shared Mailbox Reports: A new report set has been added to the Organization reports category, and includes the following:
- Shared Mailboxes - Displays all the shared mailboxes in an Exchange organization.
- Shared Mailbox Permissions – Shows all users who have access rights to a particular shared mailbox.
Build 5175
FixesReleased on Feb, 2017
Build 5174
MajorEnhancementsFixesReleased on Feb, 2017
- Folder Permissions: This is a new report under the “Custom Reports” category that shows the access rights on mail folders such as calendar, inbox, sent items, etc. for each mailbox.
- Inactive Mailboxes (by last received mail): Mailbox account status reports provide the details of inactive mailboxes and sorts them based on last received email
- Mailbox Size (by OU): Mailbox size reports provides a list of all the OUs and number of mailboxes contained in each OU.
- In addition to the existing size related details, mailbox size reports now show %age mailbox usage in a new column.
- In “Inactive Distribution Lists” report the “Distribution Group Name” column now provides the canonical name of the group.
- Mailbox Databases Reports includes the following new columns:
- Mailbox retention time (in seconds),
- Deleted item retention time (in seconds),
- Background database maintenance status, and
- Auto-provisioning exclusion status.
- Public Folder Database report under “Organization” category now includes a new column that shows the drive name containing the corresponding public folder database.
- Room mailbox reports under “Custom Reports” category include a new column that shows the working hours for each room.
- In “Mail Server Settings” under the “Admin” tab, users can configure email addresses that qualify TLS and SSL connection security standards.
Build 5173
MajorEnhancementsReleased on Dec, 2016
- CPU and Memory Monitoring: Monitors and reports on the performance of Exchange entities such as CPU and server memory.
- Compliance Reports: Provides compliance assessment reports based on industry regulations such as SOX, HIPAA, PCI, and GLBA.
- Data gathering for traffic logs is can now be automated on an hourly basis.
Build 5172
FixesReleased on Dec, 2016
Build 5162
MajorEnhancementsReleased on Oct, 2016
- Traffic reports for external users: New reports under the Email Traffic category list the details of mails received from and sent to external users along with the size and subject of the messages.
- O365 Manager Plus and Exchange Reporter Plus integration: Exchange Reporter Plus can now be integrated with O365 Manager Plus for detailed reporting on Exchange Server and Exchange Online environments from a single console.
- Secondary email alias: Mailbox enabled users report now provides details about the proxy email addresses of users also.
- Exclude disabled users: It is now possible to exclude disabled mailboxes from being monitored by using the license management utility.
Build 5161
MajorEnhancementsReleased on Aug, 2016
- Email Response Time: New report under "Custom Reports" category shows the response time (received time vis-à-vis. reply time) for all email messages in an Exchange mailbox within a selected period.
- Real Time Traffic: Email Traffic reports now generate real time data by reporting current day’s traffic in addition to historic traffic.
- Sent and received email traffic reports have now been consolidated into one single UI.
- Home dashboard enhancement: The dashboard view in home tab now provides summary on Mailbox Users, Mailbox Recipient Type, Mailbox Protocol Settings, etc.
Build 5160
MajorEnhancementsFixesReleased on Jul, 2016
- Exchange Server 2016 Support: Exchange Reporter Plus now supports 2016 version of Microsoft Exchange Server.
- Message Count and Size Summary: Mailbox content reports now provide details of historical messages contained in a mailbox. Users can now retrieve count and sizes of backdated messages in each mailbox.
- Monitoring Cmdlet Parameters: Customer can now customize the cmdlet parameters that are used to execute data gathering process for Exchange monitoring reports.
- Enhancement in Server Storage collection
Issues Fixed:
- 64-bit JRE upgrade issue has been fixed.
- Various other bug-fixes.
Build 5157
FixesReleased on Jun, 2016
Build 5156
MajorEnhancementsReleased on Jun, 2016
- Database Backup Monitoring Report: This report displays the status of backups performed for each database in the Exchange environment. Users can now configure alerts to get notified of the number of days elapsed after the last successful database backup.
- Exchange Reporter Plus now supports Email Queue and Database Backup monitoring for Exchange 2007 server in Exchange organizations that support Monitoring.
Build 5155
MajorEnhancementsReleased on Jun, 2016
- Storage Monitoring Reports: This category of reports monitors the sizes of Mailboxes, servers, and databases. It also allows users to configure size specific alerts for Mailboxes, servers, and databases. Size quota can be assigned to each of these components and the tool raises an alert for notification.
- Public Folder Traffic Reports: This category provides reports on the traffic flow from and to Public Folders.
- Distribution List Traffic with Subject Report: This report provides the information about the distribution lists traffic along with the subject.
- Site Based Collection: Monitors the OWA & ActiveSync data for multiple sites.
Build 5154
EnhancementsReleased on May, 2016
- Enhancements in Monitoring Dashboard
Build 5152
MajorReleased on Apr, 2016
- Email Queue Monitoring is now available in Exchange Reporter Plus which gives information on the statuses of Email queues used in Microsoft Exchange.
Build 5151
MajorReleased on Apr, 2016
- Exchange Reporter Plus supports Microsoft SQL server versions 2005, 2008, 2008R2 and 2012 as back-end database.
Build 5142
EnhancementsFixesReleased on Mar, 2016
- Creation of 'Test user mailbox' for client access connectivity monitoring.
- Enhancement in data collection method for Office 365 ActiveSync reports.
Issues Fixed:
- Connection issue with Office 365 support in China has been resolved.
Build 5141
MajorReleased on Mar, 2016
- Exchange Reporter Plus supports 64-bit version of Windows operating systems. The product setup is available for download and installation in both 32 bit as well as 64 bit specifications.
- Exchange Monitoring - Organization Overview:
- Performance improvements have been made in Office 365 reports and archive mailbox data gathering.
- Decommissioned servers have been removed from reports & troubleshooting tips.
- Unexpected growth of log files due to audit has been brought under control.
- Issue with 'log upload' using 'auto mode' has been fixed.
- Duplicate entry in public folders gathering has been fixed.
- Location of error message display and troubleshoot on 'Task Scheduling' has been moved from 'Scheduled Gathering Task History' to 'OWA Logon Failure'.
Build 5133
MajorEnhancementsFixesReleased on Mar, 2016
- Mailbox Content reports and Public Folder reports are now supported in Exchange 2013 environment and are classified under a new category called 'Custom Reports'.
- Room Mailbox Appointments report displays information about all meetings conducted in room mailboxes of the organization.
- Users can now modify the attributes of default Mailbox Content reports and Public Folder reports; and can also create new reports under the following new categories:
- Mailbox Folder Statistics reports.
- Mailbox Mail Search reports.
- Public Folder Mail Search reports.
- New updates in Monitoring tab:
- Exchange Reporter Plus Home Dashboard and Monitoring Overview now display updates on Exchange Service Health and Mailflow Health.
- Client Access Role dashboard now highlights recent status on Client Access Health.
- Mailbox Role dashboard highlights updates on Mailbox Server Health.
- Performance Enhancement in audit data collection.
- Enhancement in O365 reports data collection.
- Passive database copies included in server storage report.
Issues Fixed:
- Decommissioned servers removed from error messages.
- Various other bug fixes.
Build 5112
MajorEnhancementsFixesReleased on Mar, 2016
- Logon Failure Report:Shows details of users who made failed logon attempts using Outlook Web Access. The reports show reason for failure, logging device’s IP address, browser name used, etc.
- Mails Deleted or Moved Report: Tracks and reports mails that have been deleted or moved to another folder in the mailbox. It also displays the concerned user name, the email subject, and the new location of the mails.
- Cmdlets Summary Report: Reports the active cmdlets that run within the exchange server. Allows users to manually configure reporting of any/all cmdlets.
- Performance improvements have been made in archive mailbox data gathering.
- Performance of Public Folder Size Reports has been enhanced.
- Daily schedule of events clean up time can now be modified in Archive Configuration.
- Issue related to display of last read time in Admin Audit Logs has been fixed.
- EWS related bug fix.
- Various other bug fixes.
Build 5102
MajorFixesReleased on Oct, 2015
- Exchange Monitoring - Performs monitoring across the three key components of the Exchange environment viz. Exchange Server, Database Availability Group (DAG) and Exchange Database and provides reports on related data.
- Exchange Server Monitoring - Displays monitoring information for each Exchange Role. The cluster is segregated into the following heads.
- Service Health
- Assistant Health
- Mailbox Replication Health
- Mailflow Health
- ECP Connectivity
- IMAP Connectivity
- Web Server Connectivity
- POP Connectivity
- DAG Monitoring:
- Replication Health - Uses PowerShell command-lets to determine database replication health, and returns the status for each command-let in reports.
- Database Copy Status - Returns the copy status of each database in various locations in the Exchange environment.
- Database Monitoring:
- Exchange Search Health - This report uses 'Search Time' as a parameter to show how efficiently the Exchange server performs a search operation in a database.
- MAPI Connectivity - This report is developed to substantiate the consistency of MAPI Connectivity with the Exchange Database.
- Forward Set Inbox Rules - This is a new addition to Mailbox General Reports which shows all the mailboxes that have either enabled or disabled 'Forward To' and 'Redirect To' set of inbox rules.
Issues Fixed:
- Fixed issue with filter application in Mailbox Size reports.
- Fixed bug in Room Mailboxes Reports
ManageEngine Exchange Reporter Plus 5.0
- Office 365 ActiveSync Reports
- ActiveSync Device Details lists all the mobile devices synced with the corresponding Office 365 mailboxes.
- Device Policy Application Status report displays the policies applied on each mobile device and its application status.
- Mobile Users by clients displays the client type (EAS or MOWA) for each synchronised mobile device.
- Inactive ActiveSync Devices report returns the list of all mobile devices synchronised with O365 mailboxes that have gone Inactive.
- ActiveSync General Reports
- Device Policy Application Status report displays the policies applied on each mobile device and its application status.
- Mobile Users by agents report sorts the users who are classified as agents and lists them along with the corresponding synchronised mobile device
- Inactive ActiveSync Devices report returns a list of all synchronised mobile devices that have gone inactive
- Office 365 Reports
- Mailbox Enabled User Report lists all the mailbox enabled users with details like Mailbox Name, Email, Last Logon User, Last Logon Time and Server information.
- Mailbox Size Report returns the current list of all Office 365 Mailboxes in an Exchange Organization and their respective sizes and count along with a statistical representation of the Top 10 Mailboxes by size.
- Inactive Mailboxes Report lists all the Inactive Mailboxes (based on a user’s Last Logon Time) in the Exchange Organization along with the Mailbox names and corresponding email id.
- Archive Mailboxes Report returns the names of all the Office 365 mailboxes that have been archived and displays meaningful metrics like the archive’s size, quota and consumption warning.
Bug Fixes and Enhancement:
- Active Sync Device Details report has included the following new columns:
- Last Success Sync Time: Shows the last instance of the device’s successful synchronisation with the Exchange Server.
- Last Attempt Sync Time: Shows the last instance when the device attempted to synchronise with the Exchange Server.
- Remote Wipe Supported: Displays if remote wipe feature is supported on the mobile device or not.
- Operator: Displays the network operator that the device uses.
- Folder Sync Count: Displays the total count folders synchronised in the mobile device.
- This release comes with new enhancements and various bug fixes.
Highlights of Previous Releases (build 4100 to 4902)
- Mailbox auditing now supports Exchange Server 2013
- Mailbox Retention Policy Explorer: A bunch of new reports have been added to offer insight into retention policies and associated mailboxes.
- Retention Policies.
- No. of Mailboxes with Policies.
- Mailboxes with Policies.
- Retention Policy Details.
Click here for the complete list of Features, Fixes and Enhancements from previous releases.