Converting existing
    Professional Edition Firewall Analyzer installation to
    Enterprise Edition Probe Server

    To convert existing Professional Edition Firewall Analyzer installation to Enterprise Edition Probe Server follow the procedure given below:

    • Shutdown the Firewall Analyzer Service. Ensure that ports 33336 (default PostgreSQL) and 8500 (default 8500) are free.
    • Take a backup of pgsql data folder.
    • Open a Command Prompt/Console and navigate to <Firewall Analyzer Home>/troubleshooting directory.
    • Execute the ConvertToCollector.bat/sh file. 

      It will prompt you to take backup of mysql data folder and to continue running the script. 

    Please take backup of mysql data folder before running this script.
    Do you really want to continue this script? [y/n]: y
    • It will prompt you to shut down the server or service, if it is running.
    Firewall Analyzer Server is running. Server should not run while running this tool. Please shutdown the server before running this tool.
    • Enter the details of the Central Server. 
    Enter Web Port of this server [8060] :8060
    Enter Web Server Protocol of this server [http] :http
    Enter Central Server Name/IPAddress :firewall-test
    Enter Central Server Web Port [8500] :8500
    Enter Central Server Web Protocol [http] :http
    • Enter the details of the Proxy Server, if required.
    Use Proxy to reach Central server [n/y] :y
    Enter Proxy Server Name :proxy-server
    Enter Proxy Server Port :80
    Enter Proxy UserName :root
    Enter Proxy Password :public
    • If this server registers successfully with the intended Central Server, the following message is displayed
    Successfully registered with the CentralServer
    Database not started. Starting .........
    Table updated
    Server noted as Converted Probe
    TablesToSync.xml delete status ::::::: true
    stopping DB Server .......

    Open the Central Server UI and check the Probe Settings and ensure that the converted server is listed.

    • If this server cannot register with the intended Central Server, it will prompt you to check the Central Server availability 
    Unable to connect with the Central Server on given port and protocol. Kindly ensure the following
    1. Central Server is accessible on given port and protocol.
    2. Is Central Server behind Proxy-Server ? If so, has those details been configured ?
    Exit due to error during register




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