NFA Fans

Users share their thoughts on why they love NetFlow Analyzer...

Mike Rydalch, Principal Technologist at Xirrus, shares(video below) with us how he effectively uses NetFlow Analyzer, through his iPad, to monitor bandwidth usage during network shows.

"It makes my life easier, data usage at the press of a button"

Owner, Zululand Wireless Network


"I have tested the product and like the interface to the Cisco ASA"

Patrick Charls,
National IT Manager, Medical Research Council


"Gives me the dashboard interface i need to have a one view look at our organizations network traffic"

Jacques Boucher,
IT Manager, OMfinancial

  • Good features
  • Very competitive pricing
  • Had heard that the support is good - then experienced firsthand that the support is excellent and exceeded my expectations.

Umakanth V.S.
Centre for Development of Telematics


"It was easy to install, has a very clean interface with good reporting features, and is a better value than other retail options."

Michael Pringle,
Network Engineer, Washington University School of Medicine


"Amount of information shown. Ability to track down Denial Of Service Attacks and general usage!"

Jeff Rhue
CTO, WiLogic, Inc.


"It works! "

Kevin Andersen
Network Administrator, Aldik Artificial Flower Company Inc.


"The program is simple to install and use. Also backing up and restoring to another server was easy. The application runs smoothly and never needs to be rebooted."

Todd Bitner,
Network Administrator, IFM Efector Inc


"It provides me with a near real time view of what is happening on our network and it greatly assists in diagnosing network issues"

Stuart Kett,
SBS Bank


"It has helped identify our biggest bandwidth abusers, malicious applications running on the network, and an easy interface to see the network stats on our different locations."

Nick Rieber,
Technology specialist, Glenbard High School District 87


"its easy to use and because it helps me with my network administration"

Cesar Delgado,
Network Engineer, Community Development Commission of the County of Los Angeles


"Price, nice and easy to use web interface. Product is always being improved."

Troy Barkhaus,
Senior Network Analyst, CDS Global


"It does an excellent job of accumulating our data flows so I can accurately research problems in the WAN/LAN. Since It only keeps the headers it is very efficient regarding storage. The groups work well to help fine tune Application performance."

Dan Caluori,
Teknor Apex


"NetFlow Analyzer was the best product we reviewed that had all the features we needed. It is also very easy to set up and maintain."

Jason Daughtry,
Systems Administrator, Thomasville Utilities

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