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Failed to Start TFTP Server - Unable to Bind to Port


You get an error as "Unable to bind to port" when attempting to start the TFTP Server either from the TFTP Server or the Config File Manager tools


You will get this error in the following cases:

  1. When the port is already in use
  2. When OpUtils is run as a normal user in Linux OS.


Check whether the port is already in use

From the command prompt, check whether port 69 is in use using the command: netstat -aon. You will get to see a line similar to below in Windows OS:

UDP - - *:* - 680

This means that the port 69 is already bind by some application whose process id is 680. You need to stop the application that is using this port.

Start OpUtils as a Root User in Linux OS

In Linux OS, if you want to bind any application to ports between 1 and 1023, you require superuser privilege. Since the TFTP Server is started at port 69, you should start OpUtils as a super user..

Applies to: Cisco Config File Manager, TFTP Server

Keywords: Cisco Config File, Startup Config, Running Config, TFTP, Backup Config, Download Cisco Config, Upload Cisco Config

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