Why Should OS Deployer Folder be excluded from Anti-Virus Scanning?
This document explains you the impacts caused by anti-virus solution while scanning OS Deployer's folder. OS Deployer and its dependent folders like Distribution Server, OS Deployer Agent needs to be excluded from the anti-virus scan to ensure hassle free functioning. OS Deployer performs various operations like downloading patch binaries, creating .xml files, .7zip files, extracting them and performs various tasks by executing scripts, .bat files and .exe files . Anti- Virus solutions in general block, these functions. The following are the impacts, which might happen when the anti-virus blocks OS Deployer's functions:
- OS Deployer Agent upgradation might fail
- You will not be able to upgrade OS Deployer to a later version
- Scheduled database backup might fail
- Creation/extraction of .7zip files might be affected
Excluding all the specific .exe/bat files is more complex because it keeps changing over a period of time. So OS Deployer folders can be added to the exclusion list. In such cases, ensure that you need to exclude the following folders respectively.
Note: You should also make sure, that every time you update/upgrade your anti-virus, the exception policy that you have created is not overwritten.
Here are the list of folders, which needs to be excluded:
- OS Deployer Server - OSDeployer_Server
- OS Deployer Distribution Server- DesktopCentral_DistributionServer
- OS Deployer Distribution Server - <OS Drive>\Program Files(x86)\Zohocorp
- Image creator machine - <OS Drive>\Program Files(x86)\Zohocorp
- Deployment machine - <OS Drive>\Windows\OSDPatcher
Adding .exe file names to the Antivirus exception list
If you do not want to exclude the folder from Antivirus, you can exclude the following EXEs for smooth OS Deployment process,
OS Deployer Server installed machine
- The following file located under <OS Deployer Server Installed location>\OSDeployer_Server\bin directory,
Distribution server installed machine
- The following files located under <OS Drive>\Program Files\\DesktopCentral_DistributionServer\bin directory:
- dcagentupgrader.exe
- dcdsinstallwizard.exe
- dcdsservice.exe
- dcreplication.exe
- dc_httpd.exe
- The following files located under <OS Drive>\Program Files(x86)\Zohocorp\OSDDSComponent\bin directory:
- ImageReplicator.exe
- 7za.exe
- OSManagerDepends.dll
- The following files located under <OS Drive>\Program Files(x86)\Zohocorp\OSDPXEComponent\PXEService\bin directory:
- The following files located under <OS Drive>\Program Files(x86)\Zohocorp\OSDPXEComponent\PXEService\jre\bin directory:
Image Creator installed machine
- The following files located under <OS Drive>\Program Files(x86)\Zohocorp\ManageEngine OS Deployer - Image Creator\bin directory:
- ImageCreator.exe
- OSDMonitor.exe
- OSManagerDepends.dll
- The following files located under <OS Drive>\Program Files(x86)\Zohocorp\ManageEngine OS Deployer - Image Creator directory:
- osdagentregister.exe
- osdservicemain.exe
- The following files located under <OS Drive>\Windows directory:
- Manage.exe
- OSManagerInstallerSetup.exe
- The following files located under <OS Drive>\Windows\Temp\OSD\32bit directory:
- OSDAgentSetup.msi
- OSDAgentSetup.mst
- The following files located under <OS Drive>\Windows\Temp\OSD\64bit\ directory:
- OSDAgentSetup.msi
- OSDAgentSetup.mst