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I have purchased a 10 technician license. What is the maximum number of technicians that can be added ?
You can add unlimited number of technicians in ServiceDesk Plus. The license is based on the number of technician login (i.e) since you have purchased 10 technician license, only10 technicians will be able to login to ServiceDesk Plus and work with the application. The remaining technicians will be considered as Non-Login technicians.I would like to delete the default administrator account as it takes up a license ? How do I go about it ?
You can remove "Administrator" account from the application by following the instructions below.Is it possible for a requester to view all requests of his/her department without changing him/her as technicians ?
Yes it is possible. We call this the Department head role. Go to Admin -> Requesters -> Edit the particular requester -> In Requester allowed to view section, select the option 'Show all their departments requests', which will give the requester the ability to view all the requests of his/her department.I would like to delete a technician. But what will happen to the Requests, Problems and Changes associated to him ?
When you delete a technician, all the closed Requests, Problems and Changes will still remain assigned to his name as a historic reference.I have a technician who is no more with the organization. I do not want to delete him as there are some important data associated to him. Since ServiceDesk Plus is taking up a license, is there any way to disable or de-activate his account? That way we can maintain our permitted number of technicians ?
Yes, it is possible to de-activate the technician account. Since ServiceDesk Plus is licensed based on the number of technician login, by removing the login you will be able to achieve your goal.Can requesters add task?
No, only Technicians and Administrators can add tasks and delegate work accordingly.How do I import Requester Additional Field details from the Active Directory?
If you have not configured any requester additional fields, then select Click here to configure link under Admin -> Active Directory -> Import Requesters From Active Directory.I want to send notifications via SMS to my technicians. How do I configure it in ServiceDesk Plus?
To send SMS notification to the technician, you first need to get the SMS Mail ID from your service provider.How do I change a Requester into a Technician?
When you import users from the Active Directory, the users ? technicians and requesters ? would be imported under Admin -> Requesters. To change the requesters to technicians, go to Admin -> Requesters. Click on the requester and select Change as Technician. [How do I change a Technician to a Requester?
Go to Admin -> Technicians. From the list view, choose the technicians to change as Requesters. Click Actions tab and select Change as Requester. [How to reset the Local Admin Password ? (Used in cases where your Domain controller goes down and if you are unable to login to the application with your domain credentials)
Click here for steps.What Happens when the Requester or Technician is deleted from the application and the effect of the same in the modules?
When we import users from AD, CSV or manually add them into the application, they are created as Requesters.When a Requester is Deleted?
All the requests that user created will still be on their name and will not get dissociated from the Request.When a Technician is Deleted?
All the requests that user created will still be on their name and will not get dissociated from the Request.When you convert a Technician into a Requester?
Apart from Closed Requests all the other requests moves to Unassigned Status and the Closed Request alone stays in their name.What happens to the deleted users?
They will all be stored in the database in RESIGNED STATUS. The reason we do this is, the requests will have an history stating who was handling the request or who create the request and in-order to maintain them we will have these accounts in the RESIGNED Status.What happens when the same user is re-imported?
When you delete a user account and then re-import the same account, this will create it as a new user and will not update the old account. The User ID mapped to it is different and the once that will be imported will have a new ID and be added as a new entry into the database.What are all the parameters on a users profile is checked before updating?
When an import is done, the following are checked to update the users profile.What happens when the same user is imported from a different domain?
When we import the same user from a different domain, say from example Paul Robert from ZOHO and the same user Paul Robert from ZOHO.COM, even if all the criteria matches the application will create it as a new user.What happens when switch from Active Directory authentication to LDAP?
When you switch the authentication from AD to LDAP, AD authentication will get disabled and when an import is done, this will overwrite all the users as the authentication itself is different.What happens to the reports that are scheduled by a Technician?
If its a Scheduled Report, then the report will be moved to the Admin Technician's account. However their private reports will still remain under their name only.What happens to the Projects when a Technician is deleted?
When the Members are added to a Project, remain associated to the Project even when they are deleted from the application. Also when you go to that Project/Milestones/Tasks and try to associate a Owner the deleted users who were earlier associated to the Projects will be shown.What happens to the Changes and its Approvals when a Technician is deleted?
The associations will still be shown in the Change across that user under every roles, however when the corresponding role is edited, the deleted technician will not be shown anymore.What happens to the Problem when the Technician is deleted?
The Closed Problem will alone be associated to that Technician and the others will move to Unassigned Status.What happens to the Assets and CMDB relationships when a Requester or a Technician is deleted?
The Asset will be switched back to In Store status and the Relationship configured in the CMDB will get removed.What happens to the Purchase Orders when the Technician is deleted or changed as Requesters?
The owners will still be retained for all the Purchases irrespective of the status.How do I automatically assign tickets to technicians?
With Technician Auto Assign, you can allocate tickets to the technicians automatically. The Technician Auto Assign follows a Round Robin Method or Load Balancing Technique to assign technicians based on their availability. If the technician is not available on the due by date of the request, he will not be assigned to that request.How does Technician Auto Assign work for Service Requests?
When a service request is created /edited, a check is conducted on the value of the setting "Do not assign technician before service request is approved". If this option is disabled, Technician Auto Assign will be applied to the service request based on the configuration. And, if the option is enabled, then Technician Auto Assign is applied after the service request is approved.Is it possible to have a single ServiceDesk Plus installation for two different departments? Assume both the departments are not related to IT but require a help desk with unique support e-mail address.
Currently ServiceDesk Plus does not support multiple department help desk. But as a workaround, you can have a single ServiceDesk Plus installation for two different departments through Group based segmentation.There are certain domains listed in 'Log on to' drop down menu in the initial login screen that I do not need. How do I remove these domains ?
Try the following configuration.We have enabled Active Directory Authentication and requesters login into ServiceDesk Plus using their AD credentials. Suppose we reset the requester password in AD, then how soon the same will be reflected into ServiceDesk Plus, so that requesters will be able to login through their new AD credentials ?
ServiceDesk Plus does not store the AD password, it just authenticates the password with AD. While performing an AD import, ServiceDesk Plus will import and store the Login information and Domain information from AD (ie) Login name and the domain to which the users belongs. So when the user enters his login name and enters the new password, the password is authenticated with AD and the user is allowed to log into ServiceDesk Plus instantaneously.We upgraded our Domain Controller and forgot to change it in ServiceDeskPlus. Now, the application will not let me login and I forgot the local admin password. How do I update the domain controller information without logging into the application?
Our ServiceDesk Plus server is moved to a new domain. The user information has already been migrated to the new domain in AD. How do I change the domain associated with the user account by retaining all other information?
To move all the requesters and technicians to the new domain without creating new login accounts for the existing users,What is the purpose of organizing business rules ?
Organizing business rules will help us in decide the order in which the rules should be applied on the requests that are fetched by the application. Business rules have to be organized in such a way that the rules do not collide with each other (i.e) the criteria of the first rule should not coincide with the second one.I do not want some mails to be fetched into SeviceDesk Plus such as, Out of office emails. Can this be enabled ?
You can configure rules in Spam filter (Admin -> Mail server settings -> Spam Filter) in such a way that mails matching certain criteria will be fetched from the mailbox and dropped before it is fetched inside ServiceDesk Plus.If for some reason the mail fetching stops, how do I get to know about the problem immediately ?
Enable the following notification which will alert you when mail fetching stops under Admin -> Notification Rules.What is E-mail Command? How do I configure it in ServiceDesk Plus?
E-Mail Command is used to parse the incoming e-mail and set various request field values like Category, Status, Priority, Level etc, from the e-mail content.What are the operations that can be performed with E-mail Command?
The operations that can be performed with E-mail Command are, creating requests, updating requests, closing requests and assigning requests to other technicians. The operating string for these operations are "Operation = AddRequest", "Operation = EditRequest", "Operation = CloseRequest" and "Operation = PickupRequest".How to stop automatic ticket creation in response to undelivered message notifications from No-reply email addresses that are primarily used to create tickets in ServiceDesk Plus.
You can do this in one of the following two ways:
Go to Admin>>Notification Rules>>Request and configure the Junk Filter notification to stop sending notifications to specific email addresses, such as no reply email addresses or any other automated systems you may use to create new requests in ServiceDesk Plus.
Go to Admin>>Mail Server Settings and configure the Spam Filter with criteria such as containing "undeliverable" or "MAILER-DAEMON." This will ensure that any undelivered email is not used to create a new ticket.
How do I send self service login details to the user ?
Click Admin -> Notification Rules -> Enable the notification which says Send Self-service login details and save the settings.How do I avoid sending notification to some users or users belonging to a specific domain ? (i.e) I do not want a notification to be sent for Out of Office replies.
Click Admin -> Notification Rules -> Click Edit criteria next to the following notification.Is it possible to browse solutions without logging into ServiceDesk Plus ?
You can use the link below to access the knowledge base without having to Login to ServiceDesk Plus.What is the purpose of Pass-through authentication ?
On enabling Pass-through authentication, ServiceDesk Plus directly authenticates your windows system user name and password. Hence you need not login again to enter ServiceDesk plus, just provide the URL for ServiceDesk Plus and authentication is done automatically.I have problems logging into ServiceDesk Plus on enabling Pass-through Authentication. How do I disable it through the database ?
Open command prompt on the application server,connect to the folder ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\pgsql\bin> and use the command psql.exe -U postgres -p 65432 -d servicedesk
Does ServiceDesk Plus support LDAP ? If so, how can it be configured ?
The latest version of ServiceDesk Plus (v 7.5 and above) supports LDAP.Domain Controller | : | ldap://helpdesk-test1:389 |
User Name | : | CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=helpdesk-test1,DC=com |
Password | : | Password |
Base DN | : | CN=Users,DC=helpdesk-test1,DC=com |
Search Filter | : | (objectClass=person) |
LDAP Server Type | : | Microsoft Active Directory |
Can I schedule a periodic import of users from Active Directory?
Yes ! You can schedule ServiceDesk Plus to periodically import users from Active directory under Admin -> Active directory.Ever since the upgrade to v 7.6, technicians do not receive notification when they pickup a request. Is this a change in design?
Yes, this is a design change from v 7.6 which we call as Intelligent Notification. Normally, when a technician picks up or assigns a request to him/her self, they do not need to be notified about the request assignment. The idea behind this functionality is to avoid unnecessary notifications thereby improving the performance.Where do I enable Survey in ServiceDesk Plus?
Survey can be enabled under Admin -> Survey settings. You can configure the default values for welcome message, email content, survey success or failure message, and thank you message. You can also schedule the periodicity of conducting the survey.Is it possible to manually send survey for a request?
Yes it is possible. Once a request is closed click on the Actions button -> Send Survey for this request.How does multi-language survey work?
The multi-language feature is applicable only to users who have purchased the multi-language license.I have deleted a category and it is grayed out now. How do I reactivate this category ?
Click on Edit button beside the grayed out category -> Uncheck the checkbox 'Category not for further usage' and save the configuration. This will reactivate the category.Where can I view all the Categories, Sub-categories and Items configured in ServiceDesk Plus in a single page ?
The Category Tree View helps you accomplish this goal ! You can view all Categories, Sub-Categories and Items configured in ServiceDesk Plus.Similar to Service Templates, is it possible to organize the Incident Templates by category?
Yes, it is possible to organize the Incident Templates by category. Go to Admin -> Incident Templates. Edit a template and choose the appropriate Service Category from the Service Category field. This will sort the Incident Templates based on the Service Category and list them when you click on Incident Category drop-down menu.What is Data Archiving? How do I configure it in ServiceDesk Plus?
Data Archiving is a process of moving old unused requests from the active database into a separate storage state on a routine basis. It is most useful since the application accumulates large volume of closed/resolved requests that may be required for further reference, which, in the long run, hinders the performance of your system.Where and how are the archived data stored in the database?
When the data archiving process is executed, the archived data is moved into a separate list of tables in the database. These tables can be identified easily as they have a prefix "arc_" to their table name. For example: arc_workorder, arc_taskdetails, arc_workorderhistory and so on.Where can I view the list of archived requests?
Once the requests are archived, you can view the archived requests from the Request tab. Click Archived Requests link to view the list of archived requests. [How do I conduct a search for the Archive Requests? Also, is it possible to generate reports on the archived requests?
You can conduct a search for the archived requests by using the Search option in the Request module. Select Archived Requests and enter the keyword to search for a particular request. [How do I remove the Portal Usage video in the Requester Login (Self-Service Portal)?
I want to change the Portal Usage video in the Self-Service Portal. How do I go about doing it?
To change the URL for the Portal Usage video, please login as a user in the ServiceDesk Plus application. Right-click on the video link and select Copy Link location. Open a Note Pad and Paste the URL content. The original URL is:How do I edit the HTML content in the Self-Service Portal?
You can change the content on the HTML section by editing the file SelfServiceHelp.html under [ServiceDesk Home\Custom] folder.How do I remove the HTML section in the Self-Service Portal?
To remove the HTML section of the Self-Service Portal, rename the file under [ServiceDesk Home\Custom] SelfServiceHelp.html to SelfServiceHelp_old.html.I'm unable to view the Incident Template menu and the Service Request Template menu after upgrading to version 8.1.
After upgrading to version 8.1, by default, the Incident Catalog and Service Catalog will be merged as Request Catalog.How do I hide the the Default Request Template from the Requesters?
To disable the default request template, go to the Admin-> Self-Service Portal Settings and set the "Disable default request template for requesters" to 'Yes', and save the settings.What is Dynamic user addition?
Assume there is a new employee joining your organization, you have created an account for him in the Active directory. But you have not imported him from AD into ServiceDesk Plus, so he is not in the system yet.