The Browser Security Plus server is located in the customer's site. For example, the customer's head office. This server enables the completion of various browser management tasks to help administrators manage and secure browsers in the company's network effectively. Some of the tasks include the following:
The Browser Security Plus agent is a lightweight software application that is installed in computers which are managed using Browser Security Plus. It is installed automatically in the computers in a LAN. It helps to complete various tasks that are initiated in the Browser Security Plus server. For example, if you want to disable a Chrome extension from a computer in your network, you can make that the required settings for this task in the Browser Security Plus server. The agent replicates these settings and ensures that the task is completed effectively.
The agent also updates the Browser Security Plus server with the status of extensions that are already installed and those installed from the server. The agent contacts the server during every 90 minute refresh cycle. It checks the Browser Security Plus server periodically for instructions related to tasks and completes the same. The agent contacts the server every time the IP of the system changes.
Browser Security Plus maintains a notification server which maintains constant contact between the agent and the main server at all times. It is used to let the agent know when it has a task from the main server.
The Web console of Browser Security Plus provides a central point from where an administrator can execute all the tasks that are related to browser management and security.